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Il libro del pene felice【電子書籍】[ Aaron Spitz ] Il libro del pene felice【電子書籍】[ Aaron Spitz ] 1,122 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>Qual ? la cosa pi? strana che avresti voluto sapere sul pene, ma non hai mai avuto il coraggio di chiedere? Il dottor <strong>Aaron Spitz</strong> ha questa risposta e molte altre.</p> <p>Tradizionalmente oggetto di battute e doppi sensi, il pene ? spesso incompreso, calunniato e maltrattato... Domande, preoccupazioni e tab? sull'argomento sono qualcosa di trasversale che tocca tutte le classi ・・・(以下省略)
Man Eating Plants How a Vegan Diet Can Save the World【電子書籍】[ Jonathan Spitz ] Man Eating Plants How a Vegan Diet Can Save the World【電子書籍】[ Jonathan Spitz ] 1,291 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>Over the past two million years, humans evolved from an obscure herbivorous species living in the tropical forests of equatorial Africa to become the world’s most populous carnivorous apex predator species. In the 21st century, this fateful change in the human diet from plant to animal sourced foods is the leading cause of chronic degenerative disease, runaway climate change, and mass species e・・・(以下省略)
Vom Alters- und Pflegewohnheim 'Im Spitz' zum Pflegezentrum 'Im Spitz' Analyse, Planung und Teilumsetzung des Umbaus auf Grund ver?nderter sozialer und pflegerischer Problemstellungen betagter Menschen der Stadt Kloten【電子書籍】 Vom Alters- und Pflegewohnheim 'Im Spitz' zum Pflegezentrum 'Im Spitz' Analyse, Planung und Teilumsetzung des Umbaus auf Grund ver?nderter sozialer und pflegerischer Problemstellungen betagter Menschen der Stadt Kloten【電子書籍】 1,650 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2003 im Fachbereich Pflegemanagement / Sozialmanagement, Note: 1,2, Steinbeis-Hochschule Berlin (Management im Gesundheits- und Sozialwesen), Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Diese Arbeit zeigt auf, dass es nicht mehr gen?gt, nur aus dem Bauch heraus mehr Altersheim- oder Pflegepl?tze zu schaffen. Gefragt ist vielmehr eine neue Definition des Begriffes 'Altern' und damit die ・・・(以下省略)
Verloskunde Praktijkboek voor artsen en vroedvrouwen【電子書籍】[ Bernard Spitz ] Verloskunde Praktijkboek voor artsen en vroedvrouwen【電子書籍】[ Bernard Spitz ] 2,476 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p><em>State of the art</em> praktijkboek: de meest actuele kennis in woord maar ook online in beeld Eindtermen van gisteren zijn al snel niet meer die van morgen. Zo maakt de individuele arts-patientbenadering vandaag plaats voor een pluridisciplinaire benadering met zorgplannen, protocollen en zorgpaden. Dit praktijkboek bundelt alle basisinformatie voor artsen en vroedvrouwen en wie daartoe wor・・・(以下省略)
Wanderlust mit Mister Parkinson Meine Reisen in die Ferne und zu mir selbst【電子書籍】[ Pamela Spitz ] Wanderlust mit Mister Parkinson Meine Reisen in die Ferne und zu mir selbst【電子書籍】[ Pamela Spitz ] 3,000 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>≫Ich habe nichts mehr zu verlieren und bin heute ein gl?cklicherer Mensch.≪</p> <p>Wie umgehen mit der Nachricht, dass das eigene Leben k?rzer sein wird als gedacht? Ehrlich und humorvoll erz?hlt die Fotojournalistin, Globetrotterin und Wanderliebhaberin Pamela Spitz von ihrem Leben mit Parkinson, nimmt uns mit auf ihre zahlreichen Reisen rund um den Globus ? und steckt uns an mit ihrem Optimis・・・(以下省略)
Group Psychotherapy And Managed Mental Health Care A Clinical Guide For Providers【電子書籍】[ Henry I. Spitz ] Group Psychotherapy And Managed Mental Health Care A Clinical Guide For Providers【電子書籍】[ Henry I. Spitz ] 5,976 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>First published in 1996. These volumes address the major developments and changes resulting from the introduction of managed care. Books in this series enable mental health professional to provide effective therapy to their patients while conducting the maintaining of a successful practice. This volume provides clinical and administrative essential knowledge, a road-map with step-by-step instru・・・(以下省略)
A Pragamatic Approach To Group Psychotherapy【電子書籍】[ Henry Spitz ] A Pragamatic Approach To Group Psychotherapy【電子書籍】[ Henry Spitz ] 8,076 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>Published in 1998, A Pragamatic Approach To Group Psychotherapy is a valuable contribution to the field of Psychotherapy.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
Dictionary of Astronomy and Astronautics DICT OF ASTRONOMY & ASTRONAUTI [ Armand Spitz ] Dictionary of Astronomy and Astronautics DICT OF ASTRONOMY & ASTRONAUTI [ Armand Spitz ] 10,137 円
DICT OF ASTRONOMY & ASTRONAUTI Armand Spitz Frank Gaynor ROWMAN & LITTLEFIELD1959 Paperback English ISBN:9781442233942 洋書 Computers & Science(コンピューター&科学) Science
Spitz y Fisher. Investigaci?n m?dico-legal de la muerte Gu?a para la aplicaci?n de la patolog?a a la investigaci?n criminal【電子書籍】[ J. Spitz ] Spitz y Fisher. Investigaci?n m?dico-legal de la muerte Gu?a para la aplicaci?n de la patolog?a a la investigaci?n criminal【電子書籍】[ J. Spitz ] 18,548 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<ul> <li>Tratado de referencia en el ?mbito de la medicina legal, con una clara orientaci?n cl?nica.</li> <li>Proporciona respuestas claras y argumentadas a todas aquellas cuestiones t?cnicas que surgen entorno a la medicina legal.</li> <li>El enfoque pedag?gico de los contenidos, as? como un lenguaje claro y conciso lo convierten en una herramienta de primer orden para los residentes.</li> <li>To・・・(以下省略)
Mid-infrared Quantum Cascade Lasers for Chaos Secure Communications【電子書籍】[ Olivier Spitz ] Mid-infrared Quantum Cascade Lasers for Chaos Secure Communications【電子書籍】[ Olivier Spitz ] 20,662 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>The mid-infrared domain is a promising optical domain because it holds two transparency atmospheric windows, as well as the fingerprint of many chemical compounds. Quantum cascade lasers (QCLs) are one of the available sources in this domain and have already been proven useful for spectroscopic applications and free-space communications. This thesis demonstrates how to implement a private free-・・・(以下省略)
Mining and the Environment: From Ore to Metal MINING & THE ENVIRONMENT [ Karlheinz Spitz ] Mining and the Environment: From Ore to Metal MINING & THE ENVIRONMENT [ Karlheinz Spitz ] 31,222 円
MINING & THE ENVIRONMENT Karlheinz Spitz John Trudinger TAYLOR & FRANCIS2008 Paperback English ISBN:9780415465106 洋書 Computers & Science(コンピューター&科学) Technology
Spitz's Genodermatoses A Full Color Clinical Guide to Genetic Skin Disorders【電子書籍】[ Jennifer L. Hand ] Spitz's Genodermatoses A Full Color Clinical Guide to Genetic Skin Disorders【電子書籍】[ Jennifer L. Hand ] 31,379 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>Specially designed for dermatologists, pediatricians, and family physicians, this user-friendly guide to genetic skin disorders is an ideal resource for both board preparation and clinical practice. To help make learning a difficult subject more efficient and effective, the text takes a user-friendly, visual approach, featuring more than 300 full-color illustrations and a format designed for ma・・・(以下省略)
Spitz and Fisher's Medicolegal Investigation of Death SPITZ & FISHERS MEDICOLEGAL IN [ Werner U. Spitz ] Spitz and Fisher's Medicolegal Investigation of Death SPITZ & FISHERS MEDICOLEGAL IN [ Werner U. Spitz ] 37,505 円
SPITZ & FISHERS MEDICOLEGAL IN Werner U. Spitz CHARLES C THOMAS PUBL2020 Hardcover English ISBN:9780398093129 洋書 Computers & Science(コンピューター&科学) Medical
Mining and the Environment: From Ore to Metal MINING & THE ENVIRONMENT 2/E [ Karlheinz Spitz ] Mining and the Environment: From Ore to Metal MINING & THE ENVIRONMENT 2/E [ Karlheinz Spitz ] 39,424 円
MINING & THE ENVIRONMENT 2/E Karlheinz Spitz John Trudinger CRC PR INC2019 Paperback English ISBN:9780815394723 洋書 Computers & Science(コンピューター&科学) Nature
Soap Manufacturing Technology SOAP MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY [ Luis Spitz ] Soap Manufacturing Technology SOAP MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY [ Luis Spitz ] 42,099 円
SOAP MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY Luis Spitz ACADEMIC PR INC2016 Hardcover English ISBN:9781630670658 洋書 Computers & Science(コンピューター&科学) Science
Spitz and Fisher's Medicolegal Investigation of Death: Guidelines for the Application of Pathology t SPITZ & FISHERS MEDICOLEGAL-4E [ Werner U. Spitz ] Spitz and Fisher's Medicolegal Investigation of Death: Guidelines for the Application of Pathology t SPITZ & FISHERS MEDICOLEGAL-4E [ Werner U. Spitz ] 46,305 円
SPITZ & FISHERS MEDICOLEGALー4E Werner U. Spitz Daniel J. Spitz Ramsey Clark CHARLES C THOMAS PUBL2005 Hardcover English ISBN:9780398075446 洋書 Computers & Science(コンピューター&科学) Medical
Oxidative Stress in Cancer Biology and Therapy OXIDATIVE STRESS IN CANCER BIO (Oxidative Stress in Applied Basic Research and Clinical Prac) [ Douglas R. Spitz ] Oxidative Stress in Cancer Biology and Therapy OXIDATIVE STRESS IN CANCER BIO (Oxidative Stress in Applied Basic Research and Clinical Prac) [ Douglas R. Spitz ] 60,016 円
OXIDATIVE STRESS IN CANCER BIO Oxidative Stress in Applied Basic Research and Clinical Prac Douglas R. Spitz Kenneth J. Dornfeld Koyamangalath Krishnan SPRINGER NATURE2011 Hardcover 2012 English ISBN:9781617793967 洋書 Computers & Science(コンピューター&科学) Science
Genodermatoses: A Clinical Guide to Genetic Skin Disorders GENODERMATOSES 2/E [ Joel L. Spitz ] Genodermatoses: A Clinical Guide to Genetic Skin Disorders GENODERMATOSES 2/E [ Joel L. Spitz ] 80,784 円
GENODERMATOSES 2/E Joel L. Spitz LIPPINCOTT RAVEN2004 Paperback English ISBN:9780781740883 洋書 Computers & Science(コンピューター&科学) Medical

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