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Monta da Lavoro (Working Equitation) e Doma Vaquera【電子書籍】[ Patricia Sommer ] | 1,026 円 | 込 | 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア | |
<p><strong>Doma Vaquera & Monta da lavoro (Working Equitation) - Equitazione con attitudine alla vita</strong></p> <p>Lo stile di equitazione iberico Doma Vaquera ha una lunga tradizione in Spagna, ma sta diventando sempre pi? popolare anche in altre parti d'Europa. Dalle origini del lavoro dei vaqueros sui pascoli spagnoli, si ? sviluppato un modo unico di cavalcare. Le radici sono ancora sal・・・(以下省略) | ||||
The Return of the Thin Man【電子書籍】[ Dashiell Hammett ] | 1,033 円 | 込 | 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア | |
<p>Although characters and stories like Sam Spade and The Maltese Falcon are famous the world over, despite the New York Times' description of him as the 'dean of the school of hard-boiled noir', Dashiel Hammett wrote only five full-length novels in his career.</p> <p>The Thin Man was the last of these, published in 1934.</p> <p>But Hammett wrote two other 'treatments' for investigator Nick Charle・・・(以下省略) | ||||
Favelas Portugal & Brasil a crise da propriedade imobili?ria privada【電子書籍】[ Romulo S?rgio de Carvalho Guerra ] | 1,500 円 | 込 | 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア | |
<p>A presente obra tem como objeto de estudo a atual crise de moradias em Portugal e no Brasil bem como a precariedade imobili?ria em Portugal aos moldes do que vem ocorrendo no Brasil e os fundamentos das formas de aquisi??o e da prova da propriedade imobili?ria privada. A obra fundamentou-se nos meios de aquisi??o da propriedade imobili?ria ao analisar comparativamente o direito civil brasileiro・・・(以下省略) | ||||
Hester All 3 Volumes【電子書籍】[ Mrs. Oliphant ] | 300 円 | 込 | 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア | |
<p>In 'Hester' by Mrs. Oliphant, readers are transported to 19th-century Scotland where the story unfolds around the titular character, Hester Vernon. The novel explores themes of social class, women's rights, and the impact of shame and secrecy on individuals. Mrs. Oliphant's writing is characterized by a keen attention to detail and a deep exploration of her characters' inner lives. Her prose is・・・(以下省略) | ||||
Fergus of Galloway Knight of King Arthur【電子書籍】[ Guillaume le Clerc ] | 3,040 円 | 込 | 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア | |
<p>The popular Arthurian legends, such as the grail quests of Perceval and Galahad, and the love of Lancelot for Queen Guenevere, have largely overshadowed Scotland's own Arthurian romance. The story of Fergus, one of King Arthur's knights, was known to only a few; it was written in Old French and this prevented its proper recognition as a part of Scottish literary heritage. In Fergus of Galloway,・・・(以下省略) | ||||
International Arbitration: Law and Practice【電子書籍】[ Gary B. Born ] | 6,353 円 | 込 | 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア | |
<p>International Arbitration: Law and Practice (Third Edition) provides comprehensive and authoritative coverage of the basic principles and legal doctrines, and the practice, of international arbitration. The book contains a systematic, but concise, treatment of all aspects of the arbitral process, including international arbitration agreements, international arbitral proceedings and internationa・・・(以下省略) | ||||
The Not-So-Scary Dog【電子書籍】[ MD, FRCPC Alanna Propst ] | 2,333 円 | 込 | 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア | |
<p><strong>This gentle introduction to the concept of exposure therapy for kids will help them deal with phobias.</strong></p> <p>Tommy is terrified of dogs. When he gets an invitation to a big birthday party at his neighbor’s house, his heart sinksーhe can’t possibly go, the dog is enormous and scary! But instead of staying away, he and his mom hatch a step-by-step plan to face and overcome his fe・・・(以下省略) | ||||
The Night Circus【電子書籍】[ Ur?u?a Kovalyk ] | 760 円 | 込 | 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア | |
<p>I found him one morning when I went to take out the rubbish. He lay in the grass, clutching a piece of dirty plastic in his tiny baby hands. Blending the naturalistic and the fabulistic, these elusive, delicate stories fold fable and fairy tale into the everyday, domestic settings of kitchen, garden, car. Women love, and lose, strange creatures they find by the garden gate; dream dogs are liber・・・(以下省略) | ||||
Rose As A Bullet Power of a woman【電子書籍】[ Orjeta Marku ] | 1,800 円 | 込 | 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア | |
<p>Vivian could be any of us; every woman is fragile and delicate until the moment life confronts her. Women are the power of nature, creatures born to be strong and fragile at the same time, special being with a unique mission.</p> <p>Vivian had only one choice from life - to be strong-! This novel is dedicated to all women who have to suffocate all their emotions, not to live their lives but to ・・・(以下省略) | ||||
The Girl in His House【電子書籍】[ Harold MacGrath ] | 320 円 | 込 | 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア | |
<p>Harold MacGrath's 'The Girl in His House' is a captivating novel set in the early 20th-century literary context that combines elements of mystery, romance, and suspense. The book is intricately plotted with rich descriptions of the characters and settings, providing readers with a compelling and immersive reading experience. MacGrath's prose style is elegant and engaging, drawing the reader int・・・(以下省略) | ||||
Marte Meo M?glichkeiten der allt?glichen Entwicklungsunterst?tzung【電子書籍】[ Maria Aarts ] | 2,806 円 | 込 | 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア | |
<p>In einzelnen Interaktionen steckt so viel Potenzial! Mit der weltweit erfolgreichen Methode "Marte Meo" (= "aus eigener Kraft") lernen p?dagogische Fachkr?fte mithilfe differenzierter Interaktionsanalysen ihre Interaktions- und Kommunikationsf?higkeiten weiterzuentwickeln, um Kinder bestm?glich in ihrer Entwicklung unterst?tzen zu k?nnen. Denn wenn Kinder Raum f?r eigene Initiativen haben und F・・・(以下省略) | ||||
Kiusaaja【電子書籍】[ Jukka Larsson ] | 1,772 円 | 込 | 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア | |
<p>Lyyrinen kertomus vankilasta</p> <p>Jukka Larssonin huomiota her?tt?nyt ”esikoisromaani”</p> <p><em>Kiusaaja</em> on h?tk?hdytt?v? kuvaus vankilayhteis?st? ja pitki? tuomioita istuvan miesjoukon keskin?isest? kaveruudesta, vihasta ja rakkaudesta sek? suhteesta vartijaansa, kylm?silm?iseen mieheen. Romaanin keski?ss? on Jukka Lauste, nuori mies, joka p??tt?? tehd? tilit selv?ksi yhteiskunnan ja ・・・(以下省略) | ||||
Handbook of Adhesion Promoters【電子書籍】[ George Wypych ] | 33,119 円 | 込 | 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア | |
<p><em>Handbook of Adhesion Promoters, Second Edition</em> outlines known mechanisms, principles of use, and the applications of different groups of adhesion promoters, along with a discussion of the mechanisms that cause adhesion loss, such as corrosion, delamination, detachment, liquid penetration and peeling. Surface condition and treatment are also discussed, including different methods (clean・・・(以下省略) | ||||
Begierde: Hemmungsloses Verlangen【電子書籍】[ Riley D. Wilder ] | 340 円 | 込 | 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア | |
<p>Sie hat einen tollen K?rper und f?hrt ein extravagantes Leben. Das Einzige was dem Topmodel Sophie fehlt sind leidenschaftliche N?chte in ihrem Schlafzimmer. Seit kurzem erh?lt sie zweideutige Botschaften von einem unbekannten Fan, der sie offenbar schon eine ganze Zeit lang durch die gro?e Fensterfront ihrer luxuri?sen Wohnung beobachtet. Kurz darauf lernt Sophie im Fitnessstudio endlich einen・・・(以下省略) | ||||
How I Learned to Like My Mom Forgive Those You Love ... Before It's Too Late【電子書籍】[ Dorenda Doyle ] | 823 円 | 込 | 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア | |
<p>The TRUE story of a Midwestern Honky-Tonk gal who drank too much, parented too little, wrote country songs, and married 7 times . . . she was my mother!</p> <p><strong>Forgive those you love ... Before it's too late.</strong></p> <p>Parental relationships can be challenging. Dorenda understands that better than most. As a child with a beautiful, talented mother who married seven times, drank to・・・(以下省略) | ||||
Battling Siki A Tale of Ring Fixes, Race, and Murder in the 1920s【電子書籍】[ Peter Benson ] | 2,967 円 | 込 | 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア | |
<p>Battling Siki (1887?1925) was once one of the four or five most recognizable black men in the world, and was written about in detail by such figures as Ring Lardner and his son John, Damon Runyon, and Westbrook Pegler. One can find his legacy in the name of a popular rock group, one of Che Guevara’s lieutenants, a character on Xena, Warrior Princess, and the Battling Siki Hotel in the fighter’s・・・(以下省略) | ||||
Kazania o Ewangelii Jana (II) - Mi?o?? Bo?a objawiona przez Jezusa, Jednorodzonego Syna (II)【電子書籍】[ Paul C. Jong ] | 462 円 | 込 | 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア | |
<p>Jest napisane: ?Boga nikt nigdy nie widzia?. Jednorodzony Syn, kt?ry jest w ?onie Ojca, On nam o Nim opowiedzia?” (Ewangelia Jana 1:18). Jak doskonale Jezus objawi? nam mi?o?? Bo??! Jak doskonale Jezus nas wybawi?! C?? za doskona?? Prawd? o zbawieniu jest ewangelia wody i Ducha! Nigdy nie ?a?owali?my, ?e otrzymali?my zbawienie przez wiar? w Jezusa, kt?ry przyszed? przez wod? i krew (I List Jana・・・(以下省略) | ||||
Summary of Terry Fossum's The Oxcart Technique【電子書籍】[ ? Everest Media ] | 500 円 | 込 | 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア | |
<p>Please note: This is a companion version & not the original book. Sample Book Insights: #1 Passion is what will drive you to work on your goals, even when things get hard. Without passion, you won’t have the energy to see your goals through. With enough passion, nearly anything is possible. #2 Passion will drive you to work on your goals, even when things get hard. #3 Passion will drive you・・・(以下省略) | ||||
理財周刊1174期:三月選股策略,今年散?最愛100大,今年散?賣超100大,今年外資買超100大【電子書籍】[ 理財周刊 ] | 767 円 | 込 | 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア | |
<p>理財周刊1174期:三月選股策略,今年散?最愛100大,今年散?賣超100大,今年外資買超100大<br /> 護國神山台積電遭巴菲特棄養,市場資金外溢,讓台股群雄並起,各族群指標階梯式?高基期,拉開落後補漲股比價空間,形成元宵以來看回不回的反彈行情。高價股攻上年線後震盪加劇,尤其前波飆漲股,如果資増券減法人賣,就要防軋空殺多的老戲重演。...請看《理財周刊》1174期更多精采?容<br /> ◆巴菲特大進大出之後 台積電究竟?多少錢?<br /> ◆航海王與載板三雄捲土重來<br /> ◆高速運算處理器股表現帶勁<br /> ◆債券仍具吸引力 從美債ETF百億?樂部?寶<br /> ◆電力概念股正當紅</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは・・・(以下省略) | ||||
Ewe Do Ewe Wisdom to Get You Through the Good, the Baaad, and Everything in Between【電子書籍】 | 1,291 円 | 込 | 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア | |
<p><strong>Unique new addition to a successful genre</strong>: <em>Ewe Do Ewe</em> joins a genre of animal humor books with proven sales appeal. It follows in the tradition of titles like <em>Sorry I Barfed In Your Bed</em> (Andrews McMeel, 2013), which has continued to scan 6,000 to 10,000 copies year over year, <em>The Little Book of Sloth Philosophy</em> (HarperCollins, 2018), which has scanned・・・(以下省略) |
1221件〜1240件(全55478件) 前の20件 次の20件 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 ・・・
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