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The Three C's A Career Enrichment Primer on Characterizing, Connecting, and Communicating【電子書籍】[ Mark A. Stone ] The Three C's A Career Enrichment Primer on Characterizing, Connecting, and Communicating【電子書籍】[ Mark A. Stone ] 374 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p><em>The Three Cs</em> provide you with a primer on how to build, enhance, and protect your career. This primer is the product of what the author learned and what has been shared with hundreds of individuals on a one-on-one basis in recent years. This plan of actioncharacterizing, connecting, and communicatingis not the best plan. It is not the only plan. It is just a proven plan.</p>画面が切り替わりますの・・・(以下省略)
Standard operating procedure A Complete Guide - 2019 Edition【電子書籍】[ Gerardus Blokdyk ] Standard operating procedure A Complete Guide - 2019 Edition【電子書籍】[ Gerardus Blokdyk ] 6,155 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>Will the operator have any responsibility to develop standard operating procedures for the facilities? Are written standard operating procedures (SOPs) for each machine available and executed by all employees? Does the facility have standard operating procedures for employees responding to alarm activations during operating hours and after hours? Are organization specific biosafety manual/Stand・・・(以下省略)
Dancing Mindfulness A Creative Path to Healing and Transformation【電子書籍】[ Jamie Marich ] Dancing Mindfulness A Creative Path to Healing and Transformation【電子書籍】[ Jamie Marich ] 2,196 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
This lively, passionate approach to moving meditation offers a fresh way to embrace mindfulness. It weaves together personal stories, therapeutic insights, practical skills and opportunities for reflection and practice to provide a gateway to spiritual growth, a path to more balanced living, a healing experience and ignition for your creativity.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切・・・(以下省略)
Managing Extreme Climate Change Risks through Insurance【電子書籍】[ W. J. Wouter Botzen ] Managing Extreme Climate Change Risks through Insurance【電子書籍】[ W. J. Wouter Botzen ] 6,720 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>In recent years, the damage caused by natural disasters has increased worldwide; this trend will only continue with the impact of climate change. Despite this, the role for the most common mechanism for managing risk - insurance - has received little attention. This book considers the contribution that insurance arrangements can make to society's management of the risks of natural hazards in a ・・・(以下省略)
Handle Black Tax Like a Pro Setting Boundaries, Improving Relationships and Achieving Freedom【電子書籍】[ Ndumi Hadebe ] Handle Black Tax Like a Pro Setting Boundaries, Improving Relationships and Achieving Freedom【電子書籍】[ Ndumi Hadebe ] 1,453 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>Black tax is not so much about money as it is about boundaries. Explicit and unspoken expectations of financial assistance by parents, siblings and other relatives carry a mental and emotional price, affecting our relationships with our loved ones and with money itself. Helping others is commendable, but how do you do it in such a way that you avoid debt and stop the poverty cycle for future ge・・・(以下省略)
Community Leisure and Recreation Planning【電子書籍】[ Ken Marriott ] Community Leisure and Recreation Planning【電子書籍】[ Ken Marriott ] 7,915 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p><em>Community Leisure and Recreation Planning</em> offers an up-to-date, evidence-based approach to planning community leisure and recreation facilities, programs and services. It introduces readers to key theory and best practice in the planning of effective leisure and recreation projects.</p> <p>The book defines planning, leisure, recreation and other key concepts and explains why a thorough・・・(以下省略)
Ordnung wie Magie incl. Bonus ? Priorit?ten setzen, Aussortieren & Aufr?umen, Entscheidung zum Weniger ist mehr, Konzentration steigern, mit Klarheit Selbstliebe & Psychologie Angst loslassen【電子書籍】[ Simone Janson ] Ordnung wie Magie incl. Bonus ? Priorit?ten setzen, Aussortieren & Aufr?umen, Entscheidung zum Weniger ist mehr, Konzentration steigern, mit Klarheit Selbstliebe & Psychologie Angst loslassen【電子書籍】[ Simone Janson ] 1,282 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>Auch in der 6. ?berarbeiteten und verbesserten Auflage, herausgegeben von einem staatlich gef?rderten und an EU-Programmen beteiligten Verlag, Partner des Bundesbildungsministeriums, erhalten Sie das geballte Fachwissen renommierter Experten (?bersicht in der Buchvorschau) sowie zus?tzlich ma?geschneiderte Premium-Inhalte und Zugang zu Reise-Deals mit bis zu 75% Rabatt. Gleichzeitig tun Sie Gut・・・(以下省略)
Business War Game A Complete Guide - 2020 Edition【電子書籍】[ Gerardus Blokdyk ] Business War Game A Complete Guide - 2020 Edition【電子書籍】[ Gerardus Blokdyk ] 6,581 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>How is that for a set of challenges to spend your day on? Are the data assets being put in the AWS Cloud already inventoried and classified? What likely and plausible strategies might the adversary employ? What is the appropriate organization structure to execute the strategy? Is the decision relating player actions to results?</p> <p>This premium Business War Game self-assessment will make you・・・(以下省略)
Экономика Суринама【電子書籍】[ Иван Кушнир ] Экономика Суринама【電子書籍】[ Иван Кушнир ] 645 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>Эта книга об экономике Суринама с 1970-х до 2010-х годов. Исходные данные из базы данных ООН (UN Data).</p> <p>Размер. В 2010х годах ВВП Суринама составлял 4,2 миллиардов долларов в среднем в год; стоимость сельского хозяйства была 398,2 миллионов долларов; стоимость промышленности была 1,1 миллиардов долларов. Поскольку доля в мире была менее чем .01%, страна классифицируется как микро экономи・・・(以下省略)
Hire Honesty Then Trust Your Employees【電子書籍】[ Bill McConnell ] Hire Honesty Then Trust Your Employees【電子書籍】[ Bill McConnell ] 468 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>If you want good employees, you need to know which quality makes them good. What makes some workers show up on time, perform admirably, work enthusiastically, get along with coworkers, and make conscientious decisions? That supreme quality is honesty, and its the character equivalent of the good-worker gene.</p> <p>In Hire Honesty, author Bill McConnell explains how good-worker genes affect the・・・(以下省略)
Comment r?diger un bon CV ?【電子書籍】[ K?vin Delgado ] Comment r?diger un bon CV ?【電子書籍】[ K?vin Delgado ] 807 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>Aujourd'hui les employeurs croulents sous les Cv, ils ne passent plus que quelques secondes sur chacunes des candidatures. Alors comment attirer leur attention ?</p> <p>C'est ce que vous allez voir dans ce livre:</p> <p>- Qu’attendent les employeurs des C.V qu’ils lisent ?<br /> - Comment r?diger un bon C.V<br /> - Les erreurs ? ?viter<br /> - Les sept r?gles d’or<br /> - Pr?parez-vous !<br /> ・・・(以下省略)
Seeking Out Goodness Finding the True and Beautiful All around You【電子書籍】[ Alexandra Kuykendall ] Seeking Out Goodness Finding the True and Beautiful All around You【電子書籍】[ Alexandra Kuykendall ] 1,462 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>Most of us feel the world is more contentious and less civil than it was a generation ago, or a few years ago, or maybe even last week. We long to be reassured that everything is going to be okay, that God is still at work, even in small ways. The good news is, even when our circumstances change, God does not. He is still in control, and he still offers us good gifts. We just have to know where・・・(以下省略)
Relevanz des grenz?berschreitenden Personenverkehrs f?r die europ?ische Wirtschaft【電子書籍】 Relevanz des grenz?berschreitenden Personenverkehrs f?r die europ?ische Wirtschaft【電子書籍】 2,063 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2014 im Fachbereich VWL - Sonstiges, Note: 2,0, Universit?t der Bundeswehr M?nchen, Neubiberg, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Der wissenschaftliche Ausgangspunkt f?r die Arbeit ist die ?konomische Theorie. Aus wirtschaftlicher Perspektive werden wichtige Teilaspekte, die zum Verst?ndnis der Thematik beitragen, chronologisch analysiert. Ziel der Arbeit ist es, dem Leser d・・・(以下省略)
Retire with a Mission Planning and Purpose for the Second Half of Life【電子書籍】[ Richard Wendel MD, MBA ] Retire with a Mission Planning and Purpose for the Second Half of Life【電子書籍】[ Richard Wendel MD, MBA ] 2,021 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p><strong>Take on retirement with a new mission and fulfilled life!</strong></p> <p>Retirement is not merely an end to a career; it's an entirely new phase of life that requires new activities, renewed relationships, and, most important, a way to find value and worth without going to work every day. Create a new mission for your retired life and discover a blueprint for health, happiness, and ful・・・(以下省略)
Prospecting: Increase Your Income and Learn How to Always Have a Full Pipeline of People Wanting to Buy from You Using Cold Calling, Social Selling, and Email Volume 1【電子書籍】[ Income Mastery ] Prospecting: Increase Your Income and Learn How to Always Have a Full Pipeline of People Wanting to Buy from You Using Cold Calling, Social Selling, and Email Volume 1【電子書籍】[ Income Mastery ] 750 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p><strong>Do you know how to be successful and why some people succeed in business? This book is for you if you want to increase your income and learn to have business operations indefinitely from customers who want to buy in your business using different techniques and strategies.</strong> Read on if you're starting a business or if you already have one, but you're not generating enough sales or・・・(以下省略)
Social Accounting A Complete Guide - 2020 Edition【電子書籍】[ Gerardus Blokdyk ] Social Accounting A Complete Guide - 2020 Edition【電子書籍】[ Gerardus Blokdyk ] 6,581 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>What are the necessary qualifications? If you weren't already in this business, would you enter it today? And if not, what are you going to do about it? Are resources adequate for the scope? Who do you want your customers to become? How do you define the solutions' scope?</p> <p>Defining, designing, creating, and implementing a process to solve a challenge or meet an objective is the most valua・・・(以下省略)
The Reversal Plan Unlocking the Next Level of Kingdom Success【電子書籍】[ Patrick Grace ] The Reversal Plan Unlocking the Next Level of Kingdom Success【電子書籍】[ Patrick Grace ] 960 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>Regardless of how we define success, it is something we all want, something we all strive for. At some point in our lives, we have all wondered, "How can I be successful?" So how do we achieve it? How do we live successful lives?</p> <p>In a world where the way to get ahead is often wrapped up in self, success may seem elusive, but when we search for it in God, we discover that the only way to ・・・(以下省略)
En el marketing como en el amor【電子書籍】[ Estefan?a C?rdenas ] En el marketing como en el amor【電子書籍】[ Estefan?a C?rdenas ] 1,200 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p><strong>Que la primera impresi?n no sea la ?ltima</strong></p> <p>?Qu? tienen en com?n el marketing y el amor? Que si en ambos tomas el camino correcto, vivir?s experiencias que te llenar?n de felicidad, pero si te desv?as, acabar?s con el coraz?n o el bolsillo rotos. Estefan?a C?rdenas, experta en marketing y reconocida oradora internacional, comparte todos los secretos sobre c?mo hacer un bue・・・(以下省略)
Marcher dans la lumiere【電子書籍】[ Ga?l Hamel ] Marcher dans la lumiere【電子書籍】[ Ga?l Hamel ] 1,133 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>Ce que vous allez d?couvrir dans ce livre num?rique :</p> <p>・ Tout ce qu'il vous faut faire avant de vouloir entreprendre ce</p> <p>changement.</p> <p>・ Pourquoi devez-vous commencer par accepter la personne que</p> <p>vous ?tes.</p> <p>・ La visualisation pour attirer, comment faire pour que ?a marche ?</p> <p>・ Pourquoi vous devriez ?largir votre champ des possibilit?s afin de</p> <p>r?ussir ・・・(以下省略)
Changing The Feeling Of Changing The Feeling Of "I"- Expanded Edition Lecture【電子書籍】[ Neville Goddard ] 410 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p><strong>CHANGING THE FEELING OF "I"</strong></p> <p><strong>EXPANDED EDITION LECTURE</strong></p> <p><strong>BASED ON THE LECTURE BY NEVILLE GODDARD</strong></p> <p><strong>WRITTEN BY NEVILLE GODDARD</strong></p> <p><strong>ABOUT THIS BOOK</strong></p> <p>This book is a public domain ebook, enriched with new content that delves into the life and teachings of the original author. The additional ・・・(以下省略)

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