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The Branding Sutra The Principles of Branding for the Business of Life【電子書籍】[ Merry Carole Powers ] The Branding Sutra The Principles of Branding for the Business of Life【電子書籍】[ Merry Carole Powers ] 1,098 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>Why should you be any less successful than a cornflake?</p> <p>Unlike breakfast cereals, hand soaps and the thousands of other copycat creations enjoying notoriety and pulling in huge sums of money in our world, human beings are not parody products. We are one-of-a-kind, limited edition originals.</p> <p>Mary Carole Powers, writer, creative director, and corporate mindfulness and social respons・・・(以下省略)
Introducing Just Sustainabilities Policy, Planning, and Practice【電子書籍】[ Julian Agyeman ] Introducing Just Sustainabilities Policy, Planning, and Practice【電子書籍】[ Julian Agyeman ] 4,072 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>This unique and insightful text offers an exploration of the origins and subsequent development of the concept of just sustainability.</p> <p>Introducing Just Sustainabilities discusses key topics, such as food justice, sovereignty and urban agriculture; community, space, place(making) and spatial justice; the democratization of our streets and public spaces; how to create culturally inclusive ・・・(以下省略)
Money Loves Clarity -Money Mindset Planner Journal【電子書籍】[ Hillary Scholl ] Money Loves Clarity -Money Mindset Planner Journal【電子書籍】[ Hillary Scholl ] 968 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>Money Loves Clarity<br /> Is Having a Money Mindset Necessary to Make Money?<br /> There are many ? ways ? people can make money. The question is, why do you even need a money mindset if making money is easy?<br /> While the dynamics of making money may be easy, if you are not taking the right steps, you won't be making enough for it to be worthwhile. You not only want to optimize your money-ma・・・(以下省略)
From the Treaty of Versailles to the Treaty of Maastricht Conflict, Carnage And Cooperation In Europe, 1918 ? 1993【電子書籍】[ Martin Holmes ] From the Treaty of Versailles to the Treaty of Maastricht Conflict, Carnage And Cooperation In Europe, 1918 ? 1993【電子書籍】[ Martin Holmes ] 8,076 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>This book examines European history and politics between two very well-known but flawed treaties: The Treaty of Versailles and the Treaty of Maastricht.</p> <p>Taking the Treaty of Versailles, signed following World War I, as a starting point, the volume argues that while it was well-intentioned to the point of being utopian, it was also totally impractical, rearranging the map of Europe in a w・・・(以下省略)
Grief and Trauma【電子書籍】[ Ashley L. Blake BSW ] Grief and Trauma【電子書籍】[ Ashley L. Blake BSW ] 645 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>This book defines Trauma and Grief. The definitions include the stages of grief and the different types of both trauma and grief. Examples are given to help you better understand the meaning, understand that it is normal to feel certain emotions and to go through certain stages while experiencing a significant loss. A loss can be one of a loved one, a job or even a separation of a relationship.・・・(以下省略)
Econom?a y sostenibilidad: El debate de la gesti?n en la historia del pensamiento econ?mico【電子書籍】[ Javier Arribas C?mara ] Econom?a y sostenibilidad: El debate de la gesti?n en la historia del pensamiento econ?mico【電子書籍】[ Javier Arribas C?mara ] 1,022 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>Muchos de los problemas contempor?neos sobre bienes p?blicos, comunes, acci?n colectiva y externalidades, competencia e intervenci?n y monopolio natural forman ideas y soluciones que en muchos casos ya fueron debatidas hace varios siglos. Las conclusiones que se alcanzaron en t?rminos econ?micos, sociales, pol?ticos y culturales hicieron avanzar las sociedades hasta nuestros d?as. La lectura de・・・(以下省略)
持續成功:超越關鍵的一點點,就能獲得資源與好運【電子書籍】[ 蔡壘磊 ] 持續成功:超越關鍵的一點點,就能獲得資源與好運【電子書籍】[ 蔡壘磊 ] 1,338 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>**  與時間為伍,以自己的速度保持不退?,<br />   就能?贏原本在?前面的人。</p> <p>  讓複利加成,在更好的地方展現自己,<br />   愈能獲得豐美的機會,打造舒適的成功之路!**</p> <p>  ∞上行,是一個人的成長之路∞<br />   透過累積自己的客觀條件,豐富自我的精神世界,<br />   進而讓生命自由度不斷提升的過程。</p> <p>  許多人將「上行」等同於「賺錢」,這樣的人往往賺不到錢或留不住財富。上行真正的目標,是要讓自己成為更好的人,只有全方位更好的人,才對金錢和機會具備源源不?的吸引力。</p> <p>  如果一個人的眼中只有金錢,並且只將賺錢當作花錢的前一個?驟,從沒有想過把財富當作全方位自我提升的工具,沒有想過財富所帶來的生命自由度,那就是一種誤解。?愈是誤解,財富就愈難主動找上?。</p> <p>  在追求成功之前,先想清楚・・・(以下省略)
五線譜投資術 自動抓出高低價 不?盤年賺20%【電子書籍】[ 薛兆亨 ] 五線譜投資術 自動抓出高低價 不?盤年賺20%【電子書籍】[ 薛兆亨 ] 1,278 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p><strong>自動抓出高低價 不?盤年賺20%</strong></p> <p>  想要投資股票,卻不知如何選股?買了股票後,?天都提心吊膽,漲的時候怕賣太早、賺太少,跌的時候怕賣太?、賠太多。</p> <p>  投資股票是為了獲利,這應該是個快樂的過程,如果??天都為股票而痛苦,證明?用錯操作方法。</p> <p>  知名網路財經作家薛兆亨和Tivo168,為了讓投資人都能快樂投資,走向財務自由之路,大方分享了他們研發、實證多年的「五線譜投資術」,可以自動抓出高低價,判斷最佳的買賣點,而且最重要的是,不用?天?盤,就能年賺20%。</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
The Oxford Handbook of Hedge Funds【電子書籍】 The Oxford Handbook of Hedge Funds【電子書籍】 20,598 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>The Oxford Handbook of Hedge Funds provides a comprehensive overview of the hedge fund industry from a global perspective, bringing together insights from theoretical and applied research. The book seeks to both introduce the industry and what it does to scholars and practitioners new to the area, and to provide more advanced insights to those with extensive expertise in the area. The handbook ・・・(以下省略)
從零開始讀?消費者行為:一本掌握顧客心理、購買決策與消費動機的基礎 1 からの消費者行動【電子書籍】[ 松井 剛、西川 英彦 ] 從零開始讀?消費者行為:一本掌握顧客心理、購買決策與消費動機的基礎 1 からの消費者行動【電子書籍】[ 松井 剛、西川 英彦 ] 1,414 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>★《從零開始讀?》系列原著書籍累印51萬冊!</p> <p>★日本亞馬遜網路書店暢銷書</p> <p>廣度與深度兼具的消費者行為初讀本</p> <p>最小可覺差、操作制約、懷舊心理、?入程度、多屬性態度模型、認知失調、滿意度、生活型態、身分認同、社會期待、參考團體、意見領袖、網路評價、ゲン耀性消費、狄徳羅效應、儀式感</p> <p>■日本知名大學教授親授,讓?一本學會消費者行為!</p> <p>由大學教授以簡單圖表x具體案例,帶?快速掌握消費者行為核心概念</p> <p>不論自學、課堂皆適用的最佳入門書!</p> <p>■透過本書了解:</p> <p>1.日常生活場景案例</p> <p>2.跨學科觀點深度剖析</p> <p>3.探索消費者決策形成因素</p> <p>4.協助企業制定有效的行銷策略與活動</p> <p>本書總共分為三篇,共十五章:</p> <p>「第1篇 做為個人的消費・・・(以下省略)
Global Production and Domestic Decay Plant Closings in the U.S.【電子書籍】[ Brian D. Phillips ] Global Production and Domestic Decay Plant Closings in the U.S.【電子書籍】[ Brian D. Phillips ] 6,226 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>First Published in 1942. Phillips has written an important study covering three areas: three areas: theoretical, empirical, and public policy. This book explores some of the explanations for and consequences of globalized production by transnational corporations. A review of the theoretical underpinnings of the reasons for corporate overseas expansion precedes a discussion of transnational corp・・・(以下省略)
Cloud Computing Technologies for Smart Agriculture and Healthcare【電子書籍】 Cloud Computing Technologies for Smart Agriculture and Healthcare【電子書籍】 11,630 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>The Cloud is an advanced and fast-growing technology in the current era. The computing paradigm has changed drastically. It provided a new insight into the computing world with new characteristics including on-demand, virtualization, scalability and many more. Utility computing, virtualization and service-oriented architecture (SoA) are the key characteristics of Cloud computing. The Cloud prov・・・(以下省略)
Human Resource Management in a Hospitality Environment【電子書籍】[ Jerald Chesser ] Human Resource Management in a Hospitality Environment【電子書籍】[ Jerald Chesser ] 15,567 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>This new textbook provides a complete study of human resource management from the perspective of management and operation in a hospitality environment. The hospitality industry continues to grow every day, bringing new challenges and opportunities. This up-to-date textbook provides the information on effective human resource management that managers need to know to succeed in today’s competitiv・・・(以下省略)
東方之盾 地?政治與科技?業的前沿【電子書籍】[ ?欽勇 ] 東方之盾 地?政治與科技?業的前沿【電子書籍】[ ?欽勇 ] 1,298 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p> 東方之盾的意義<br /> 中美對立大勢已成,美日軍演的潛台詞是中國與台灣,各國在台海東海南海頻頻「亮艦」。2020年起半導體供需失衡,全世界赫然發現台灣是供應鏈最關鍵但風險最高的一個環節,台灣會是盾??<br /> 印太地?政治<br /> 作為全球「路衝」的印太地區,將在地?政治裡扮演更重要角色<br /> 科技民族主義的興起<br /> 中國以驅動「?需+國際合作」的運行機制,是民族主義結合經濟發展的成功典範,而未來印度與東協都將著重在地生?體系,台灣須積極與東協印度尋求合作機會與模式<br /> 隱形冠軍的?業結構<br /> 台灣有很多隱形冠軍,台灣也一直是世界的隱形冠軍。台灣的?業結構適合發展隱形冠軍和迷?獨角獸,而台灣能長期遵循的國家戰略也是隱形冠軍。利用有限資源在優勢的半導體?業和供應鏈,創造被中美都需要的價?,以永保安康,立於東方不敗<br /> 護國群山的挑戰<・・・(以下省略)
Factor Analysis and Dimension Reduction in R A Social Scientist's Toolkit【電子書籍】[ G. David Garson ] Factor Analysis and Dimension Reduction in R A Social Scientist's Toolkit【電子書籍】[ G. David Garson ] 14,539 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p><em>Factor Analysis and Dimension Reduction in R</em> provides coverage, with worked examples, of a large number of dimension reduction procedures along with model performance metrics to compare them. Factor analysis in the form of principal components analysis (PCA) or principal factor analysis (PFA) is familiar to most social scientists. However, what is less familiar is understanding that fa・・・(以下省略)
Imprenditore Digitale Come Lanciare Un Business Online Di Successo In 12 Settimane E Guadagnare La Libert? Finanziaria Col Metodo ASSI【電子書籍】[ Claudio Rossi ] Imprenditore Digitale Come Lanciare Un Business Online Di Successo In 12 Settimane E Guadagnare La Libert? Finanziaria Col Metodo ASSI【電子書籍】[ Claudio Rossi ] 1,614 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>Hai mai pensato che alla tua et? avresti dovuto essere molto pi? avanti nella carriera e nei guadagni? Hai notato che continui a dedicare troppo tempo alla tua professione, senza migliorare per? la tua condizione di vita? Se sei un lavoratore dipendente, probabilmente ti sei anche accorto che ogni anno che passa, il tuo futuro professionale ? sempre pi? nelle mani del tuo datore di lavoro e che・・・(以下省略)
Digital Future of Healthcare【電子書籍】 Digital Future of Healthcare【電子書籍】 10,016 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>This book focuses on the applications of different digital platforms in the field of healthcare. It describes different devices used in digital healthcare, their benefits, diagnosis, use in treatment, and use cases related to mobile healthcare. Further, it covers machine and deep learning, blockchain technology, big data analytics as relevant to digital healthcare, telehealth technology, and di・・・(以下省略)
Harnessing the Phases of the Mind for Manifestation【電子書籍】[ G.O.Chuck ] Harnessing the Phases of the Mind for Manifestation【電子書籍】[ G.O.Chuck ] 1,245 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>In the vast realm of human potential, lies an extraordinary force waiting to be tapped intoーa force that has the power to shape our reality, transform our lives, and bring about profound manifestations. This force is none other than the immense power of the mind.</p> <p>Throughout the ages, philosophers, scholars, and mystics have recognized the incredible capabilities of the human mind. From a・・・(以下省略)
seven ways to do online business【電子書籍】[ alaa alhaj ] seven ways to do online business【電子書籍】[ alaa alhaj ] 807 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>This book is for beginners at a nominal price, to give them a summary of my experience and guaranteed profit sites as quickly as possible.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
Trading Football on Sports Exchanges The Match Odds Market【電子書籍】[ Cambridge Memorabilia ] Trading Football on Sports Exchanges The Match Odds Market【電子書籍】[ Cambridge Memorabilia ] 1,279 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>Match Odds (1 x 2) is the most popular Football / Soccer market, not just for Sports Exchanges but also normal bookmaker sites. Traders love it due to extremely high liquidities and reliability of odds movement. This is our most complete, up to date and well-informed Guide to cover such a major topic, on what we hope, from beginner level all the way up to professional exchange trading. 550 imag・・・(以下省略)

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