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Azure Hybrid Cloud A Complete Guide - 2020 Edition【電子書籍】[ Gerardus Blokdyk ] | 6,581 円 | 込 | 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア | |
<p>Why do you have an Azure Hybrid Cloud Expert Managed Service Provider program? What happens if you attempt to create a hybrid cloud without four attributes? Will the users require training on how to setup and implement multi-factor authentication? Where will your applications live? Do you block all external access to Office 365 based on the IP address of the client?</p> <p>This powerful Azure H・・・(以下省略) | ||||
Azure Automation Using the ARM Model An In-Depth Guide to Automation with Azure Resource Manager【電子書籍】[ Shijimol Ambi Karthikeyan ] | 4,011 円 | 込 | 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア | |
<p>Focus exclusively on the Azure Resource Manager (ARM) deployment model for Azure automation and gain in-depth knowledge of topics such as runbook authoring, different types of automation runbooks, and hybrid cloud automation. This book covers practical approaches to creating runbooks for multiple use cases, including operational tasks such as VM management and integration of Azure automation wi・・・(以下省略) | ||||
Getting Started with Azure Stack【電子書籍】[ Prabhath Mannapperuma ] | 1,614 円 | 込 | 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア | |
<p>Azure Stack is an extension of Azure, thereby enabling a truly consistent hybrid cloud platform. Consistency removes hybrid cloud complexity, which helps you maximize your investments across cloud and on-premises environments. Consistency enables you to build and deploy applications using the exact same approach ? same APIs, same DevOps tools, same portal ? leading to increased developer produc・・・(以下省略) | ||||
The Development of Marketing Management The Case of the USA c. 1910-1940【電子書籍】[ Kazuo Usui ] | 11,308 円 | 込 | 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア | |
<p>There has been much discussion about the origin of marketing and marketing thought, and whether it was truly American in origin. Nevertheless, it is true that US marketing management thought was very influential throughout the world in the latter half of the twentieth century, becoming dominant after the Second World War. In order to recognize why and how this kind of thought developed in the U・・・(以下省略) | ||||
101 Tipps f?r Selbstdisziplin und Motivation - Wie sie mehr Lust haben aktiv zu sein ! Tipps wie sie am Tag mehr schaffen und auch Lust dazu haben【電子書籍】[ Astin Milibour ] | 470 円 | 込 | 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア | |
<p>Mehr Motivation und Disziplin Sich Ziele zu setzen und sie zu erreichen ist etwas, das jeder tun kann, um sein Leben zu verbessern. Wir alle haben Ziele, die wir erreichen wollen, aber die Umsetzung kann schwierig sein. Fast jeder k?mpft damit, seine Ziele in die Tat umzusetzen. Wir z?gern, verlieren die Motivation und scheitern schlie?lich bei der Umsetzung unserer Pl?ne, was zu Frustration un・・・(以下省略) | ||||
Liebe kann alles Wie du mit deiner weiblichen Kraft zur Sch?pferin deines Lebens wirst - Das Transformationsprogramm【電子書籍】[ Eva-Maria Zurhorst ] | 1,647 円 | 込 | 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア | |
<p><strong>Lieben ist nicht leiden ? lieben hei?t heilen</strong></p> <p>Es ist an der Zeit, dass wir Frauen erkennen, mit welcher unglaublichen Gabe wir ausgestattet sind: der machtvollen, gestalterischen Kraft der Liebe. Diese Verbindung zu unserem Herzen und unseren Gef?hlen macht uns nicht schwach, sie erm?glicht es uns, Leben zu geb?ren und uns, unsere Beziehungen und unseren Lebensweg aus un・・・(以下省略) | ||||
Azucar- ?Es el nuevo enemigo?【電子書籍】[ 29producciones ] | 733 円 | 込 | 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア | |
<p><strong>No</strong> <strong>es ning?n secreto que los gobiernos de todo el mundo est?n empezando a tomar medidas en?rgicas contra el az?car. Est?n pasando impuestos a las bebidas azucaradas y los refrigerios, prohibi?ndolos en las escuelas, y se est?n abriendo m?s programas de tratamiento para las personas que creen que son adictas al az?car. Pero cual es la verdad? ?Es el az?car el nuevo enemi・・・(以下省略) | ||||
Knowledge Creation and Management New Challenges for Managers【電子書籍】[ Kazuo Ichijo ] | 5,520 円 | 込 | 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア | |
<p>This book presents the latest management ideas in knowledge creation and management in readable and non-technical chapters. Leading experts have contributed chapters in their fields of expertise. Each distils his or her subject in a chapter that is accessible to managers who want to learn what can be applied to their organizations without the distracting details of research methodology. Each ch・・・(以下省略) | ||||
Mastering Bitcoin For Absolute Beginners The Ultimate Guide To Bitcoin And The Future【電子書籍】[ Raymond Kazuya ] | 515 円 | 込 | 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア | |
<p>☆★☆The Ultimate Guide To The World of Bitcoin Technology is here! ☆★☆</p> <p>This book will teach you the history, fundamentals, and real world applications of bitcoin cryptocurrency</p> <p>Tired of being cheated by the current system of central banking? They are like rouge intermediaries with absolute control and hold all the power and can print money on a whim. How much longer can we allow th・・・(以下省略) | ||||
<p>Por qu? leer este libro: Visi?n Integral de Estrategias Empresariales: Este libro ofrece una perspectiva hol?stica al combinar conceptos clave como el oc?ano azul, el presupuesto financiero y el marketing digital en un ?nico marco estrat?gico. Al leerlo, los empresarios y profesionales obtendr?n una comprensi?n m?s profunda de c?mo estas ?reas interrelacionadas pueden ser gestionadas de manera ・・・(以下省略) | ||||
How to Be Happy Daily【電子書籍】[ Azuka Zuke ] | 548 円 | 込 | 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア | |
<p>This book will teach you how to be happy daily. I don’t know your age. I don’t know where you came from. I don’t know your height. Your nationality does not matter to me. I don’t know your family background. But there is something I know about you that you may not even know yourself: you can be happy daily in your life. This book will bring you to the proper harmony with your hidden happiness a・・・(以下省略) | ||||
111 Gr?nde, Mama zu sein Ein Loblied auf das sch?nste Abenteuer der Welt【電子書籍】[ Meike Meyruhn ] | 950 円 | 込 | 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア | |
<p>Meike Meyruhn kennt tausend Gr?nde, warum es so toll ist, Mama zu sein - hier schildert sie 111 davon. In witzigen, lebensnahen Anekdoten beschreibt die Autorin ihren turbulenten Alltag als Managerin eines 'Kleinunternehmens'. Sie berichtet, wie sie als Mutter ganz ungeahnte Talente an sich entdeckte oder sich mit den unsichtbaren Freunden ihres Sohnes arrangieren musste. Sie schreibt ?ber die ・・・(以下省略) | ||||
C?mo sobrevivir a la burrocracia O c?mo ser ciudadano y no morir en el intento【電子書籍】[ Lara Zurita ] | 630 円 | 込 | 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア | |
<p>?Intentas emprender un proyecto y est?s hasta las narices del toreo de la Administraci?n? ?Crees que los empleados p?blicos viven en el d?a de la marmota? Entonces este es tu libro. <em>C?mo sobrevivir a la burrocracia</em> propone una gu?a pr?ctica para enfrentarnos a todo tipo de tr?mites sin morir en el intento. Siempre desde el humor, el libro ser? una caja de herramientas para concienciarn・・・(以下省略) | ||||
Seven Secrets of Influence Portable Power for the 21st Century【電子書籍】[ Elaina Zuker ] | 774 円 | 込 | 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア | |
<p>Influence. Every one wants it. But how do you get it? Seven Secrets of Influence - Portable Power for the 21st Century by author, consultant, and businesswoman Elaina Zuker, is a simple, practical guide to understanding these "secrets" and mastering the key skills for successful Influence. Influencing others is one of the critical business skills required for success today. Strong interpersonal・・・(以下省略) | ||||
Macro-econometric Analysis on Determinants of Fertility Behavior【電子書籍】[ Hisakazu Kato ] | 7,292 円 | 込 | 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア | |
<p>The book comprises three chapters, with each chapter assigned various type data such as time series data, cross sectional data and panel data. The purpose of this book is to explore the economic and social determinant factors of fertility. Unlike many previous empirical analyses of fertility and the related demographic events, this research has three characteristics. The first is that the relat・・・(以下省略) | ||||
Azure Machine Learning Studio A Complete Guide - 2020 Edition【電子書籍】[ Gerardus Blokdyk ] | 6,581 円 | 込 | 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア | |
<p>Why azure machine learning platform? Can you create web services only from models that were created in Machine Learning Studio? What is machine learning, data science and azure machine learning studio? How does machine learning studio help? How do you get support for Azure Machine Learning?</p> <p>Defining, designing, creating, and implementing a process to solve a challenge or meet an objectiv・・・(以下省略) | ||||
Resumen Completo - La Era Del Capitalismo De La Vigilancia (The Age Of Surveillance Capitalism) - Basado En El Libro De Shoshana Zuboff (Edicion Extendida)【電子書籍】[ Libros Maestros ] | 685 円 | 込 | 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア | |
<p><strong>RESUMEN COMPLETO: LA ERA DEL CAPITALISMO DE LA VIGILANCIA (THE AGE OF SURVEILLANCE CAPITALISM) - BASADO EN EL LIBRO DE SHOSHANA ZUBOFF</strong></p> <p>?Est?s listo para potenciar tu conocimiento sobre <strong>"LA ERA DEL CAPITALISMO DE LA VIGILANCIA"</strong>?</p> <p>?Quieres aprender de manera r?pida y concisa las lecciones clave de este libro?</p> <p>?Est?s preparado para procesar la ・・・(以下省略) | ||||
Vom Leben begeistert ?ber das Gl?ck der besten Jahre【電子書籍】[ Teresa Zukic ] | 3,000 円 | 込 | 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア | |
<p><strong>Schwester Teresa Zukic</strong> verspr?ht <strong>pure Lebensfreude</strong> ? ganz besonders seit sie dem Tod von der Schippe gesprungen ist.</p> <p>2020 machte sie eine schwere Krebserkrankung ?ffentlich. Es sah nicht gut f?r sie aus. Aber die heute 59-J?hrige ?berlebte. In einem Wissensquiz mit J?rg Pilawa gewann sie einst 100.000 Euro. Mit ihren Vortr?gen f?llt sie gro?e S?le und Ki・・・(以下省略) | ||||
Virales Marketing im Web 2.0 erfolgreich gestalten. Mit Mundpropaganda zum Marketingerfolg?【電子書籍】[ Johannes Osterholt ] | 5,091 円 | 込 | 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア | |
<p>Tagt?glich wirken ?ber 5000 Werbebotschaften auf einen Menschen ein. Nat?rlich k?nnen wir nur einen Bruchteil davon verarbeiten. Viele Menschen reagieren auf die Flut an Informationen mit einer Abwehrhaltung gegen?ber klassischer Werbung. Wie schaffen Unternehmen es, die Aufmerksamkeit der Kunden wieder f?r sich zu gewinnen? Johannes Osterholt zeigt, dass Unternehmen ihre Marketingstrategie neu・・・(以下省略) | ||||
Advances in Pairwise Comparisons Detection, Evaluation and Reduction of Inconsistency【電子書籍】[ Jiri Mazurek ] | 15,800 円 | 込 | 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア | |
<p>This book tackles issues associated with inconsistency in pairwise comparisons from both theoretical and practical perspectives. Human judgments are seldom absolutely consistent, or absolutely precise, therefore problems of measuring and handling inconsistency belong among hot topics of the current research, especially in the theoretical framework of multiple criteria decision aiding (MCDA). Th・・・(以下省略) |
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