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Pippi The Magical Halloween Pumpkin【電子書籍】[ Anne Marie Stick ] Pippi The Magical Halloween Pumpkin【電子書籍】[ Anne Marie Stick ] 1,098 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>In the small town of Woodward, Halloween is a festive celebration with children running around in costumes with bags of candy in tow. However, the fields are bare, and the townspeople are sad about the lack of harvest. One year, Pippi the Pumpkin and her friends are brought to the town for their pumpkin festival. Pippi is a magical pumpkin who bestows one wish every Halloween. The town is fille・・・(以下省略)
Halloween Palooza A Cream and Sugar Cozy Special【電子書籍】[ Melinda Craig ] Halloween Palooza A Cream and Sugar Cozy Special【電子書籍】[ Melinda Craig ] 806 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p><strong>Halloween Palooza is the talk of Oakwood Town.</strong> From haunted houses and mazes to delicious food and dancing, there's one thing Grace knows for sure. If you're part of this town, you have to participate.</p> <p>Grace's friends don't realize why she's less than enthusiastic about the holiday, but for them, she attempts to make an effort. If only there were fewer disasters!</p> <p>・・・(以下省略)
Halloween Hickies【電子書籍】[ Sage Yarber ] Halloween Hickies【電子書籍】[ Sage Yarber ] 337 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>Lydia attends a Halloween Masquerade party without her boyfriend, Ben. She doesn't expect the night to get too exciting. However, after her encounter with a masked stranger, she learns that she isn't as innocent as she had thought, and she finally has an opportunity to escape from her sexual cage. The night begins rather innocently; she meets with her friend and has a few drinks. The night has ・・・(以下省略)
L'?trange Halloween de M. L?o Un thriller rebondissant au c?ur des myst?res de l'?cosse【電子書籍】[ Olivier Kourilsky ] L'?trange Halloween de M. L?o Un thriller rebondissant au c?ur des myst?res de l'?cosse【電子書籍】[ Olivier Kourilsky ] 1,050 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p><strong>Des ingr?dients ?tonnants pour un thriller d?tonnant !</strong></p> <p>Trafiquant de drogue, L?o Hern?ndez, dit Le Mexicain, tra?ne une superstition maladive. Voici qu’? la suite d’une livraison rat?e, son patron lui ordonne de foncer au pays de Galles r?cup?rer une nouvelle cargaison de came dans un ch?teau hant?, le soir d’Halloween. Le Mexicain va y croiser un couple de chirurgiens f・・・(以下省略)
Wait, I'm Straight: The Halloween Party【電子書籍】[ Jesse Iron ] Wait, I'm Straight: The Halloween Party【電子書籍】[ Jesse Iron ] 112 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>A straight guy goes to a gay halloween party, and after a few drinks meets two hunks who show him the ropes.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
Love Comes for Halloween The Mobile Mistletoe Series【電子書籍】[ Jennifer Conner ] Love Comes for Halloween The Mobile Mistletoe Series【電子書籍】[ Jennifer Conner ] 300 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>Love Comes for Halloween<br /> Now it's her turn.<br /> Until she's kissed, Jane, is the last one of her girlfriends to wear the Mobile Mistletoe. Feeling pressured by her friends, she jumps on her dad's motorcycle and heads out on the open road. But she doesn't get far before it breaks down. What else can go wrong? Will she be eaten by a bear?<br /> Gage has a past he wants to forget. Retreati・・・(以下省略)
An Unexpected Halloween A Dark Halloween Romance【電子書籍】[ T.O. Smith ] An Unexpected Halloween A Dark Halloween Romance【電子書籍】[ T.O. Smith ] 333 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>I have a stalker.</p> <p>One I certainly didn't know about.</p> <p>And tonight, he's making his presence known to me.</p> <p>I should be terrified. I should be running, screaming, hiding.</p> <p>Instead, I'm following his commands.</p> <p>He's awakening deep, dark, twisted desires I never knew I had.</p> <p>And he's the only man capable of giving me what my body craves.</p> <p><em>**Trigger war・・・(以下省略)
Halloween Cinderella【電子書籍】[ Jenessa Beyer ] Halloween Cinderella【電子書籍】[ Jenessa Beyer ] 160 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p><em><strong>Sophie</strong></em></p> <p>Best way to get over a guy is to get under another. Or so my roommate says.</p> <p>Getting over Austin should be easy. It’s just a crush. And I know he’ll never see me as anything but a study buddy.</p> <p>Hiding behind a Halloween mask, I can pretend to be someone else. Someone bolder. Sexy. Confident. Yet none of the guys catch my interest.</p> <p>Thing・・・(以下省略)
Halloween: Magic, Mystery, and the Macabre【電子書籍】[ Paula Guran ] Halloween: Magic, Mystery, and the Macabre【電子書籍】[ Paula Guran ] 1,026 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>The farther we’ve gotten from the magic and mystery of the past, the more we've come to love Halloweenーthe one time each year when the mundane is overturned in favor of the bizarre, the “other side” is closest, and everyone can become anyone (or anything) they wish . . . and sometimes what they don’t. Introducing nineteen original stories from mistresses and masters of the dark celebrate the mo・・・(以下省略)
Happy Halloween(3):萬聖節馬戲團【電子書籍】[ 林纓? ] Happy Halloween(3):萬聖節馬戲團【電子書籍】[ 林纓? ] 1,514 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p><strong>書中童謠歌曲化!<br /> ★獲2021年「國藝會」文學創作補助<br /> ★獲2019年文化部Books From Taiwan</strong></p> <p>  我們走在名為「人間」的廣大舞台,<br />   所有人都是演員,也是觀?。</p> <p>  當演出結束,我們的工作還得繼續。<br />   收拾舞台、整理道具、清理場地、照顧表演動物、卸妝、換衣服……<br />   還有整頓心情面對下一場工作。</p> <p>  各位女士,各位先生,歡迎來到萬聖節馬戲團。<br />   這裡有最精采的演出,最迷人的演員,最可怕的怪物,還有世界上最多的秘密……</p> <p>  幻術師、小丑、雙胞胎、馴獸師、死海人魚、星術師、巫毒教徒、會吐火的瘋子,和一具會走路的屍體。這座幾乎沒有正常人的馬戲團,專門處理一些無法搬上?面的神秘事件。</p> <p>  當世界・・・(以下省略)
Non festeggiate Halloween【電子書籍】[ Lu Kang ] Non festeggiate Halloween【電子書籍】[ Lu Kang ] 293 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>RACCONTO (13 pagine) - HORROR - "A quale et? hai incontrato il Male?" "Una storia a met? strada tra La casa in Cottage Lane e L'ultimo Esorcismo"- Horror Magazine</p> <p>A Gameragna, un paesino della provincia italiana, Halloween non ? certo una tradizione ma una novit? che viene da lontano. Nonostante l'invito di don Giulio a non celebrare questa festivit? commerciale, il giovanissimo Enrico e・・・(以下省略)
A Hucow Halloween【電子書籍】[ Jade Bleu ] A Hucow Halloween【電子書籍】[ Jade Bleu ] 335 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>Her creamy treats are no trick for a hot Halloween!</p> <p>Joyce forgot that she was supposed to bring treats to the Halloween party, but she realizes she hasn’t come empty-handed after all. She’s got the right equipment to satisfy hungry, sexy male guests, and soon they’ll be having the wettest, wildest celebration ever.</p> <p>An erotic short featuring hucow creamy puddings, multipartner, str・・・(以下省略)
The Irish Fire Halloween Special Edition, #1【電子書籍】[ Nikki Larousse ] The Irish Fire Halloween Special Edition, #1【電子書籍】[ Nikki Larousse ] 800 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>WILL YOU PAY THE PRICE OF TRUELOVE TO BE WITH YOUR SOULMATE FOREVER?<br /> Alice attended the Halloween party for the first time on the night she was not under her parents' supervision. Prior to meeting Connor O'Sullivan at the party, she was unaware of the existence of a world outside of the Mortal realm.<br /> Is she destined to meet her end, or does she have to give up all she has ever loved・・・(以下省略)
De kelder Hitsig Halloween, #3【電子書籍】[ Joseph Roelands ] De kelder Hitsig Halloween, #3【電子書籍】[ Joseph Roelands ] 150 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>Jasmijn en Albert zijn door hun nieuwe vrienden uitgenodigd op een eigen, bijzonder halloweenfeest. Na een openhartig gesprek met Anna krijgen de voorbereidingen daarop een verrassende wending. Wanneer Albert op het feest alweer vroeg weg moet voor zijn kinderen, staat Jasmijn voor de vraag: durft ze haar plan door te zetten?</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら・・・(以下省略)
The Legend of the Werebimbo: A Bimbo Halloween Novella【電子書籍】[ Sadie Thatcher ] The Legend of the Werebimbo: A Bimbo Halloween Novella【電子書籍】[ Sadie Thatcher ] 453 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>I’m a police detective, responsible for solving murders. My job keeps getting harder because a new mafia gang is trying to muscle into the town. And that’s before taking into account that I’m a woman in a job dominated by men.</p> <p>All I wanted was a night of fun. Taking the bimbo home for a one-night-stand hadn’t been my plan, but I didn’t regret it while it happened. Kiki was dynamite in be・・・(以下省略)
Jack’s Wagers A Jack O’ Lantern Tale for Halloween & Samhain【電子書籍】[ Wirton Arvel ] Jack’s Wagers A Jack O’ Lantern Tale for Halloween & Samhain【電子書籍】[ Wirton Arvel ] 264 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>According to an ancient Celtic legend it is said that on the night of Samhain, a night that is outside the cycle of time because it belongs neither to the Old Year that has just ended nor the New Year that has not yet begun, it may be possible to discern, in the mists that separate the world of the living from that of the spirits, a man who wanders in search of the road to Paradise. He holds hi・・・(以下省略)
THE HAUNTED NIGHT: SPOOKY TALES FOR HALLOWEEN A Collection Of Bone-Chilling Stories For Thrill Seekers【電子書籍】[ Melissa Davis ] THE HAUNTED NIGHT: SPOOKY TALES FOR HALLOWEEN A Collection Of Bone-Chilling Stories For Thrill Seekers【電子書籍】[ Melissa Davis ] 968 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>This book is a selection of stories that have been carefully constructed to provide the ideal balance of thrill and dread. Each narrative is an exploration of the unknown, where the familiar transforms into something terrible and the unexpected lurks around every corner. Allow yourself to be taken into the creepy atmosphere as you read the pages. Remember, these tales are just that…or are they?・・・(以下省略)
Admirer's Halloween【電子書籍】[ Ezra Dawn ] Admirer's Halloween【電子書籍】[ Ezra Dawn ] 316 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>(Admirer’s Halloween is a spin-off of Accidental Valentine and a paranormal short story with the insta-love of fated mates. While it can be read as a standalone it might be more enjoyable if you’ve read Accidental Valentine first.)<br /> Mateo Russo is the billionaire CEO to the best security company in the country and a fainting goat shifter. Not only does he create and sell top notch security・・・(以下省略)
洋書 Paperback, Halloween in Cherry Hills (Cozy Cat Caper Mystery) (Volume 7) 洋書 Paperback, Halloween in Cherry Hills (Cozy Cat Caper Mystery) (Volume 7) 5,801 円 Glomarket
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Pumpkin Spice Short Stories for Halloween【電子書籍】[ James Rasile ] Pumpkin Spice Short Stories for Halloween【電子書籍】[ James Rasile ] 353 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>Seven short stories for Hallowe'en.</p> <p>The Fifth Season - Every five years witches haunt the woods. A farmer looks to protect his family from the curse.</p> <p>beWERE - A group of teenage friends hunt down werewolves on Hallowe'en night.</p> <p>Self Wait - A man wakes up in a lab room unaware of who he is, and when he discovers the truth it's teh furthest from what he suspected.</p> <p>A Wi・・・(以下省略)

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