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Wege in die generalistische Pflegeausbildung Gestalten, entwickeln, vorangehen【電子書籍】[ Mechthild L?wenstein ] Wege in die generalistische Pflegeausbildung Gestalten, entwickeln, vorangehen【電子書籍】[ Mechthild L?wenstein ] 5,452 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p><strong>P?dagogische Prozesse aktiv und kreativ gestalten!</strong></p> <p>Dieses Buch richtet sich an P?dagog:innen, Praxisanleiter:innen und alle Akteure, die bei der Umsetzung des neuen Pflegeberufegesetzes beteiligt sind und die p?dagogischen Prozesse in der generalistischen Pflegeausbildung aktiv, kreativ und wissenschaftlich fundiert mitgestalten wollen.</p> <p>Welche Anforderungen und Gr・・・(以下省略)
El V?nculo Intersubjetivo en la Cl?nica Psicoanal?tica【電子書籍】[ Jos? Antonio Rangel Faz ] El V?nculo Intersubjetivo en la Cl?nica Psicoanal?tica【電子書籍】[ Jos? Antonio Rangel Faz ] 880 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>EL V?NCULO INTERSUBJETIVO EN LA CLINICA PSICOANALITICA, da un interesante y valioso giro de tuerca que reaviva una de las m?s actuales l?neas de desarrollo de la teor?a y cl?nica psicoanal?tica.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
Fundamentals of Critical Care A Textbook for Nursing and Healthcare Students【電子書籍】[ Barry Hill ] Fundamentals of Critical Care A Textbook for Nursing and Healthcare Students【電子書籍】[ Barry Hill ] 5,295 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p><strong>Fundamentals of Critical Care</strong></p> <p>A Textbook for Nursing and Healthcare Students</p> <p>In <em>Fundamentals of Critical Care</em>, a team of clinicians and health educators deliver an accessible, timely, and evidence-based introduction to the role of nurses and healthcare practitioners in critical care. The book explores fundamental concepts in critical care and their implic・・・(以下省略)
Nourishing the Inner Life of Clinicians and Humanitarians The Ethical Turn in Psychoanalysis【電子書籍】[ Donna M. Orange ] Nourishing the Inner Life of Clinicians and Humanitarians The Ethical Turn in Psychoanalysis【電子書籍】[ Donna M. Orange ] 9,207 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p><strong>Winner of the Clinical catergory of the American Board & Academy of Psychoanalysis Book Prize for best books published in 2016</strong></p> <p><em>Nourishing the Inner Life of Clinicians and Humanitarians: The Ethical Turn in Psychoanalysis</em>, demonstrates the demanding, clinical and humanitarian work that psychotherapists often undertake with fragile and devastated people, those・・・(以下省略)
Thinking for Clinicians Philosophical Resources for Contemporary Psychoanalysis and the Humanistic Psychotherapies【電子書籍】[ Donna M. Orange ] Thinking for Clinicians Philosophical Resources for Contemporary Psychoanalysis and the Humanistic Psychotherapies【電子書籍】[ Donna M. Orange ] 8,561 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p><em>Thinking for Clinicians</em> provides analysts of all orientations with the tools and context for working critically within psychoanalytic theory and practice. It does this through detailed chapters on some of the philosophers whose work is especially relevant for contemporary theory and clinical writing: Emmanuel Levinas, Martin Buber, Ludwig Wittgenstein, Maurice Merleau-Ponty, and Hans-G・・・(以下省略)
Hermeneutics for Clinicians Hermeneutics for Everyday Clinical Practice【電子書籍】[ Donna M. Orange ] Hermeneutics for Clinicians Hermeneutics for Everyday Clinical Practice【電子書籍】[ Donna M. Orange ] 9,692 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>Utilizing the hermeneutics of Hans-Georg Gadamer and the ethics of Emmanuel L?vinas, <em>The Suffering Stranger</em> invigorates the conversation between psychoanalysis and philosophy, demonstrating how each is informed by the other and how both are strengthened in unison. Orange turns her critical (and clinical) eye toward five major psychoanalytic thinkers ? S?ndor Ferenczi, Frieda Fromm-Reic・・・(以下省略)
Climate Crisis, Psychoanalysis, and Radical Ethics【電子書籍】[ Donna M. Orange ] Climate Crisis, Psychoanalysis, and Radical Ethics【電子書籍】[ Donna M. Orange ] 9,207 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>Psychoanalysis engages with the difficult subjects in life, but it has been slow to address climate change. <em>Climate Crisis, Psychoanalysis, and Radical Ethics</em> draws on the latest scientific evidence to set out the likely effects of climate change on politics, economics and society more generally, including impacts on psychoanalysts.</p> <p>Despite a tendency to avoid the warnings, time・・・(以下省略)
Os cinco sentidos da coca?na: saberes, hierarquias e controles sobre o uso e a manipula??o do p? entre consumidores e peritos criminais【電子書籍】[ Victor Cesar Torres De Mello Rangel ] Os cinco sentidos da coca?na: saberes, hierarquias e controles sobre o uso e a manipula??o do p? entre consumidores e peritos criminais【電子書籍】[ Victor Cesar Torres De Mello Rangel ] 626 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>A etnografia que estrutura esse livro caminhou em dire??o a an?lises inseridas nos campos da Antropologia do Direito, Antropologia da Ci?ncia e Antropologia dos Sentidos. A partir disso, o objetivo central ? discutir diferentes discursos e conhecimentos sobre o consumo de coca?na. Logo, foi tomado como foco central de an?lise duas diferentes representa??es sobre o assunto: uma produzida por con・・・(以下省略)
Christmas Cactus Bible For Beginners The Most Complete And Practical Owner’s Guide To Christmas Cactus, From Growing To Keeping, Everything You Need To Know About Christmas Cactus Plant【電子書籍】[ Natasha .L. Maroon ] Christmas Cactus Bible For Beginners The Most Complete And Practical Owner’s Guide To Christmas Cactus, From Growing To Keeping, Everything You Need To Know About Christmas Cactus Plant【電子書籍】[ Natasha .L. Maroon ] 1,769 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>〓〓〓THE BEST CHRISTMAS CACTUS BIBLE FOR BEGINNERS YOU CAN EVER HAVE 〓〓〓〓</p> <p>A MUST READ FOR EVERY ONE<br /> Christmas cactus, scientifically known as Schlumbergera, is a beautiful flowering plant that belongs to the family of cacti. The plant is native to Brazil, where it grows in tropical forests, and it is widely cultivated as an indoor plant due to its stunning appearance and ease of care・・・(以下省略)
State Level Public Enterprises in Sikkim (Policy and Planning)【電子書籍】[ J. Kiranmai ] State Level Public Enterprises in Sikkim (Policy and Planning)【電子書籍】[ J. Kiranmai ] 6,461 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>A great deal is talked about today regarding icnewable and non-renewable resources of the earth. What is not often borne in mind is the fact that even the so called renewable resources are not nearly always so. Once the eco-system has been degraded so that the critical threshold is crossed, the process is irreversible. Recovery, if at all possible, may take centuries. Genetic diversity is the r・・・(以下省略)
Video Atlas of Neuroendovascular Procedures【電子書籍】[ Leonardo Rangel-Castilla ] Video Atlas of Neuroendovascular Procedures【電子書籍】[ Leonardo Rangel-Castilla ] 28,838 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p><em><strong>The go-to guide on safely performing state-of-the-art neuroendovascular procedures from top experts!</strong></em></p> <p>Unlike traditional textbooks that detail natural history, physiology, and morphology, Video Atlas of Neuroendovascular Procedures presents basic and complex neuroendovascular procedures and cases with concise text and videos. Renowned neuroendovascular surgeons L・・・(以下省略)
Collected Letters Van Leeuwenhoek, Volume 6【電子書籍】 Collected Letters Van Leeuwenhoek, Volume 6【電子書籍】 52,507 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>This 6th volume in a 19-volume series contains 21 letters written by van Leeuwenhoek of the perod 1686-87. The contents of the letters published here, again show the great range of subjects that occupied Van Leeuwenhoek: from sugar candy, the shape and crystal structure of diamonds, the dissolution of silver crystals in aqua fortis to gold dust from Guinea dissolved in aqua regia and the dissol・・・(以下省略)
The Collected Letters of Antoni Van Leeuwenhoek - Volume 14【電子書籍】 The Collected Letters of Antoni Van Leeuwenhoek - Volume 14【電子書籍】 48,468 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>This volume (the 14th of a series of 19) contains 21 letters written between August 1701 and March 1704. At least half of these letters were addressed to Fellows of the Royal Society in London. Every volume in the series contains the texts in the original Dutch and an English translation. The great range of subjects studied by Van Leeuwenhoek is reflected in these letters: instruments to measur・・・(以下省略)
In a Perfect Ocean The State Of Fisheries And Ecosystems In The North Atlantic Ocean【電子書籍】[ Daniel Pauly ] In a Perfect Ocean The State Of Fisheries And Ecosystems In The North Atlantic Ocean【電子書籍】[ Daniel Pauly ] 4,652 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>Recent decades have been marked by the decline or collapse of one fishery after another around the world, from swordfish in the North Atlantic to orange roughy in the South Pacific. While the effects of a collapse on local economies and fishing-dependent communities have generated much discussion, little attention has been paid to its impacts on the overall health of the ocean's ecosystems.</p>・・・(以下省略)
?默證詞:血跡型態、DNA鑑定、數位鑑識,一位鑑識科學家的破案實? When the Dogs Don't Bark: A Forensic Scientist's Search for the Truth【電子書籍】[ 安吉拉.蓋洛普(Professor Angela Gallop) ] ?默證詞:血跡型態、DNA鑑定、數位鑑識,一位鑑識科學家的破案實? When the Dogs Don't Bark: A Forensic Scientist's Search for the Truth【電子書籍】[ 安吉拉.蓋洛普(Professor Angela Gallop) ] 1,278 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>犯罪紀實?鑑識科學?司法正義</p> <p>「神的銀行家」羅貝托.?爾維之死,是自殺,還是他殺?</p> <p>黛安娜王妃車禍身故,喧囂一時的謀殺陰謀論,是否屬實?</p> <p>鑑識專家如何?開連環殺手「約克郡開?手」的真面目?</p> <p>榮獲「爵級大十字勳章」鑑識專家</p> <p>安吉拉.蓋洛普的真相調?祕辛</p> <p>走進最真實的鑑識調?現場,尋找比小?更離奇的破案關鍵!</p> <p>≡鑑識科學家破案守則≡</p> <p>▲永遠都從犯罪現場著手。</p> <p>▲要意識到?有了眉目,不論線索多小、多不可能;然後?對要徹底調?。</p> <p>▲別隨便把任何事歸類於「太困難」ーー必要的話,把油漆一層層刮掉檢?也在所不惜。</p> <p>▲接受「真相時常比小?更離奇」,如果看起來真是這樣,別因此懊惱。</p> <p>▲鑑識科學通常依頼的是狗吠聲ーー發現跡象。但當事情?不・・・(以下省略)
The Little Book of Bees Buzzy wit and wisdom【電子書籍】[ Orange Hippo! ] The Little Book of Bees Buzzy wit and wisdom【電子書籍】[ Orange Hippo! ] 645 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>Listen to the bees.</p> <p>Bees reflect human society ? understand them and we can get a little closer to understanding ourselves. Humans and bees have enjoyed a close relationship for millennia, and the entries in this book reflect at least two thousand years of fascination with the world's favourite insect. Monarch, celebrity, monk, peasant, warrior or regular Joe, there are few who haven't f・・・(以下省略)
Psychoanalysis, History, and Radical Ethics Learning to Hear【電子書籍】[ Donna Orange ] Psychoanalysis, History, and Radical Ethics Learning to Hear【電子書籍】[ Donna Orange ] 7,592 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p><em>Psychoanalysis, History, and Radical Ethics: Learning to Hear</em> explores the importance of listening, being able to speak, and those who are silenced, from a psychoanalytic perspective. In particular, it focuses on those voices silenced either collectively or individually by trauma, culture, discrimination and persecution, and even by the history of psychoanalysis. Drawing on lessons fro・・・(以下省略)
The Little Book of Wilderness Natural Inspiration【電子書籍】[ Orange Hippo! ] The Little Book of Wilderness Natural Inspiration【電子書籍】[ Orange Hippo! ] 645 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>Discover wilderness as nature intended ? the pristine places on our beautiful planet that still remain untouched by human hands. Explore the rugged mountains, clear waters and dense forests of the great outdoors, from the Himalayas to the Rockies, from icy fjord and to desert plateau and everything between.</p> <p>Including information on the best trails and trips to take around the globe, and ・・・(以下省略)
Historic Photos of Orange County【電子書籍】[ Leslie Anne Stone ] Historic Photos of Orange County【電子書籍】[ Leslie Anne Stone ] 4,910 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>Perpetual sunshine, palm trees, miles of unbroken beaches, yachts, cliff-top mansions, millionairesーthese are the images of Orange County that come to mind for many people, and there is much truth in this depiction, for Orange County is a place of boundless natural wonders that attracts more than 25 million tourists a year.</p> <p>However, the full story of Orange County is far more complex. It・・・(以下省略)
Determining the Level of Heavy Metal in Orange (Citrus sinensis) within AngloGold Ashanti, Obuasi Mine【電子書籍】[ Samuel Duah ] Determining the Level of Heavy Metal in Orange (Citrus sinensis) within AngloGold Ashanti, Obuasi Mine【電子書籍】[ Samuel Duah ] 2,339 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>Bachelor Thesis from the year 2012 in the subject Environmental Sciences, grade: 72.00, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (Agriculture and natural resources), course: Forest resources technology (land reclamation and rehabilitation), language: English, abstract: The levels of four different heavy metals Arsenic (As), Zinc (Zn), Lead (Pb) and Copper (Cu) were determined in orang・・・(以下省略)

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