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Gravity Always Wins【電子書籍】[ Marc Spitz ] Gravity Always Wins【電子書籍】[ Marc Spitz ] 645 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>The pressures of life in a post 9/11 world are starting to effect suburban dad Mort Williams in a strange way. His wife has left him and the only two people he can relate to are his unscrupulous plastic surgeon and his "tween" next door neighbor. Eventually the fact that Mort is slowly turning into Michael Jackson becomes a problem that his two grown sons must deal with; even as one has become ・・・(以下省略)
P.S. It's Poison【電子書籍】[ Marc Spitz ] P.S. It's Poison【電子書籍】[ Marc Spitz ] 645 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p> Four old college friends reunite in Manhattan and what starts as a stiff and awkward game of catch up devolves into a drug and rancor soaked mess when old rivalries and affections boil to the surface; abetted by drugs, professional jealousies, a new cultural divide and the arrival of their favorite college professor; a famous and deeply troubled novelist with a pretty, young girlfriend and a m・・・(以下省略)
Shyness is Nice【電子書籍】[ Marc Spitz ] Shyness is Nice【電子書籍】[ Marc Spitz ] 645 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p> Fitzgerald was once a twee wallflower. He’s remade his image as a tough, junkie hipster and wants to take his Smiths obsessed, cardigan-wearing friends with him. Fearing resistance, he approaches a surly, Australian pimp, Blixa and hires her "finest bitch" Kylie, to "de-virginize them." He pays for Kylie’s services with bad dope. When a furious Blixa shows u・・・(以下省略)
I Wanna Be Adored【電子書籍】[ Marc Spitz ] I Wanna Be Adored【電子書籍】[ Marc Spitz ] 645 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p> Winston Frame is the self described, urban "poet of death and despair." Young, dour, pale and handsome, he is, much like Ian Curtis of Joy Division, also haunted and suicidal. When the pressure of impending success, fatherhood and an affair get too much, he hangs himself. Only his journey is not quite over. Winston finds himself in Purgatory, which is a Weimar style cabaret f・・・(以下省略)
Up For Anything【電子書籍】[ Marc Spitz ] Up For Anything【電子書籍】[ Marc Spitz ] 645 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p> Walter Dabney thinks he’s being practical when he ingests a recreational erectile dysfunction drug called Themis. It will, he reasons, allow him to have a quickie with Annie, his mistress, before his wife returns with her family for a long planned celebratory supper. Only Walter is that guy you wonder about: the one who actually gets the four hour erection they warn you about in those commerci・・・(以下省略)
(The Rise and Fall of) The Farewell Drugs【電子書籍】[ Marc Spitz ] (The Rise and Fall of) The Farewell Drugs【電子書籍】[ Marc Spitz ] 645 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p> The Farewell Drugs (Reed, Chimpy, Johnny and Sloane) were the worst behaved band on the Lower East Side: heroin snorting, groupie abusing, shoplifting, drug dealing, sexist, racist misanthropes. But they had talent. When beleaguered record industry executive Hella Hecht endeavors to make them over, she finds wild success, marketing them as The Skatekeys, a boy band full of clean cut and polite・・・(以下省略)
Retail Sluts【電子書籍】[ Marc Spitz ] Retail Sluts【電子書籍】[ Marc Spitz ] 645 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p> Clarence, Tony and Dommy work in a posh clothing store in New York’s retail capital of SoHo. They’re surrounded by fabulous people, drape themselves in the latest fashions, but they take home tiny pay checks and cannot numb themselves enough with drugs, alcohol, cheap sex and even cheaper fads. As 30 approaches fast, they must fact the dying dreams, face their greatest fears, and reckon with t・・・(以下省略)
Island of Shattered Dreams【電子書籍】[ Chantal Spitz ] Island of Shattered Dreams【電子書籍】[ Chantal Spitz ] 680 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>Finally in English, Island of Shattered Dreams is the first ever novel by an indigenous Tahitian writer. In a lyrical and immensely moving style, this book combines a family saga and a doomed love story, set against the background of French Polynesia in the period leading up to the first nuclear tests. The text is highly critical of the French government, and as a result its publication in Tahi・・・(以下省略)
Led Zeppelin The Biography【電子書籍】[ Bob Spitz ] Led Zeppelin The Biography【電子書籍】[ Bob Spitz ] 728 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>**“In this authoritative, unsparing history of the biggest rock group of the 1970s, Spitz delivers inside details and analysis with his well-known gift for storytelling.” ー<em>PEOPLE</em></p> <p>From the author of the iconic, bestselling history of The Beatles, the definitive account of arguable the greatest rock band of all time.**</p> <p>Rock star. Whatever that term means to you, chances are・・・(以下省略)
SPITZ-FEDERLESEN Spitze Feder gegen Ungerechtigkeiten【電子書籍】[ J?rgen K?ditz ] SPITZ-FEDERLESEN Spitze Feder gegen Ungerechtigkeiten【電子書籍】[ J?rgen K?ditz ] 733 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>SPITZENHUMOR:</p> <p>Kompromisslos werden in witzig zugespitzten Spr?chen die Widerspr?chlichkeiten unserer Zeit aufs Korn genommen. Bestechend wird mit den " Stichtagen" ohne Sparsamkeit mit den "Sparpakten" , "kontrovers" zugunsten des "Freiwildes" im "Freistaat" abgerechnet. Der Aphorismendichter wendet sich in der"Kehrtwende", gegen die "b?rokratischen W?ndeh?lse", die nach der Wende, "taus・・・(以下省略)
Vitamin D - Das Sonnenhormon. Kompakt-Ratgeber - Warum die Sonne so wichtig f?r uns ist - Wie Sie Ihren Vitamin-D-Vorrat auftanken【電子書籍】[ J?rg Spitz ] Vitamin D - Das Sonnenhormon. Kompakt-Ratgeber - Warum die Sonne so wichtig f?r uns ist - Wie Sie Ihren Vitamin-D-Vorrat auftanken【電子書籍】[ J?rg Spitz ] 790 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>Die Sonne ist der Motor allen Lebens. Ihre positive Wirkung auf den menschlichen Organismus ist unumstritten, und doch haftet den w?rmenden Strahlen der Sonne ein Schatten an: Die Gefahr von Hautkrebs hat uns Menschen den unbefangenen Umgang mit der Sonne genommen, und es ist an der Zeit, ein nat?rliches Verh?ltnis zum Sonnenlicht zur?ckzugewinnen. Dieser Ratgeber zeigt, wie wichtig UV-Licht f?・・・(以下省略)
Il primo anno di vita del bambino【電子書籍】[ Ren? A. Spitz ] Il primo anno di vita del bambino【電子書籍】[ Ren? A. Spitz ] 825 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>Un testo classico dello psichiatra e psicoanalista statunitense Ren? A. Spitz (1887-1974) che ha introdotto concetti rilevanti per la ricerca e gli interventi terapeutici in psicologia evolutiva. L'autore mostra come la relazione disturbata con la madre ostacoli gravemente lo sviluppo psicologico del bambino.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このペ・・・(以下省略)
Taming the Unruly Puppynix: Ava and Her Bad-Behavior Spitz【電子書籍】[ Max Marshall ] Taming the Unruly Puppynix: Ava and Her Bad-Behavior Spitz【電子書籍】[ Max Marshall ] 900 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>Why should you read this book? If only to understand how important the fate of each individual person is. That anyone, even a little girl from an unknown village, through his desperate efforts, can affect the course of human history.</p> <p>Book for kids with pictures. The story of a small spitz dog.</p> <p>Ava adores her furry companion, Puppynix, but feels disheartened by the way others perce・・・(以下省略)
German Spitz Klein (Deutscher Spitz) Training Guide German Spitz Klein Training Includes German Spitz Klein Tricks, Socializing, Housetraining, Agility, Obedience, Behavioral Training, and More【電子書籍】[ Simon Gill ] German Spitz Klein (Deutscher Spitz) Training Guide German Spitz Klein Training Includes German Spitz Klein Tricks, Socializing, Housetraining, Agility, Obedience, Behavioral Training, and More【電子書籍】[ Simon Gill ] 960 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>This training guide is a truly unique and informative book which is full of reliable and time tested information - written for the admirers and owners of this wonderful breed. Easy-to-read and in-depth in its nature - you will thoroughly enjoy your experience with this training guide. A wealth of reliable methods and procedures, alongside detailed advice for current or soon-to-be-owners is cont・・・(以下省略)
Too Much, Too Late A Novel【電子書籍】[ Marc Spitz ] Too Much, Too Late A Novel【電子書籍】[ Marc Spitz ] 1,021 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>Reunited more than a decade after their brief flirtation with fame in the early 1990s, the middle-aged members of the Ohio-based Jane Ashers suddenly find themselves hitting the big time, with a new record deal, a hit single, fame, fans, and a tour, that transforms their dream into a nightmare of colliding egos, family pressures, and too much success too late.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、・・・(以下省略)
Bowie A Biography【電子書籍】[ Marc Spitz ] Bowie A Biography【電子書籍】[ Marc Spitz ] 1,021 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>An expansive biography of David Bowie, one of the twentieth century’s greatest music and cultural icons.</p> <p>From noted author and rock ’n’ roll journalist Marc Spitz comes a major David Bowie biography to rival any other. Following Bowie’s life from his start as David Jones, an R & Bーloving kid from Bromley, England, to his rise to rock ’n’ roll aristocracy as David Bowie, Bowie recount・・・(以下省略)
The Brightening Glance Imagination and Childhood【電子書籍】[ Ellen Handler Spitz ] The Brightening Glance Imagination and Childhood【電子書籍】[ Ellen Handler Spitz ] 1,021 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>In this remarkable book, Ellen Handler Spitz shows how to promote children’s creative and emotional growth by making the most of the unlimited possibilities of everyday experiences.Through delightful anecdotes about real children and their treasures, bedrooms, play spaces, music, scary things, and birthday parties, <em>The Brightening Glance</em> will inspire you to create a life of wonder, inv・・・(以下省略)
Le papy-krach【電子書籍】[ Bernard Spitz ] Le papy-krach【電子書籍】[ Bernard Spitz ] 1,029 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>≪ Depuis trente ans, les jeunes Fran?ais ont ?t? tromp?s, manipul?s, instrumentalis?s. Les troupes du baby boom de l'apr?s-guerre vont partir ? la retraite en leur laissant la facture. Le sc?nario est ?crit d'avance. Il se r?sume en un mot : le Papy Krach. Dans les trente prochaines ann?es, le nombre des plus de 60 ans va doubler. Celui des moins de 25 ans va diminuer. D'un c?t? plus de retrait・・・(以下省略)
Poseur A Memoir of Downtown New York City in the '90s【電子書籍】[ Marc Spitz ] Poseur A Memoir of Downtown New York City in the '90s【電子書籍】[ Marc Spitz ] 1,034 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>Marc Spitz assumed that if he lived like his literary and rock 'n' roll heroes, he would become a great artist, too. He conveniently overlooked the fact that many of them died young, broke, and miserable. In his candid, wistful, touching, and hilarious memoir, <em>Poseur</em>, the music journalist, playwright, author, and blogger recounts his misspent years as a suburban kid searching for authe・・・(以下省略)
Il libro del pene felice【電子書籍】[ Aaron Spitz ] Il libro del pene felice【電子書籍】[ Aaron Spitz ] 1,122 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>Qual ? la cosa pi? strana che avresti voluto sapere sul pene, ma non hai mai avuto il coraggio di chiedere? Il dottor <strong>Aaron Spitz</strong> ha questa risposta e molte altre.</p> <p>Tradizionalmente oggetto di battute e doppi sensi, il pene ? spesso incompreso, calunniato e maltrattato... Domande, preoccupazioni e tab? sull'argomento sono qualcosa di trasversale che tocca tutte le classi ・・・(以下省略)

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