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J'ai ?t? sous l'emprise d'une perverse narcissique pendant 4 ans (Analyse des Manipulateurs ?motionnels)【電子書籍】[ Julien Mauvoisin ] J'ai ?t? sous l'emprise d'une perverse narcissique pendant 4 ans (Analyse des Manipulateurs ?motionnels)【電子書籍】[ Julien Mauvoisin ] 654 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>Ce livre revient ? travers le t?moignage de Julien Mauvoisin sur la manipulation ?motionnelle d'une perverse narcissique pendant 4 ans. Entre d?nigrements, rabaissements, humiliations, brimades, culpabilisations, l'auteur revient sur le cauchemar endur? par ces proies dites victimes de ce "crime parfait" pendant souvent plusieurs ann?es. Il finit par livrer ses analyses et autres conseils de pl・・・(以下省略)
Ondskabens ansigter Portr?tter af nazistiske gerningsm?nd og -kvinder【電子書籍】[ Anders Otte Stensager ] Ondskabens ansigter Portr?tter af nazistiske gerningsm?nd og -kvinder【電子書籍】[ Anders Otte Stensager ] 3,984 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>Rystende portr?tter af de almindelige mennesker som udf?rte nazisternes mord. Denne bog pr?senterer l?serne for et katalog af udvalgte nazistiske gerningsm?nd og kvinder, der deltog i mordet p? regimets sindslidende og handikappede og p? de europ?iske j?der i de tre udryddelseslejre Belzec, Sobibor og Treblinka fra 1940-43. I denne periode ledede ’T4’ i Berlin ’eutanasi’-aktionen og ’Aktion Rei・・・(以下省略)
The Great Medicine Road, Part 4: Narratives of the Oregon, California, and Mormon Trails, 1856-1869 GRT MEDICINE ROAD PART 4 (American Trails) [ Michael L. Tate ] The Great Medicine Road, Part 4: Narratives of the Oregon, California, and Mormon Trails, 1856-1869 GRT MEDICINE ROAD PART 4 (American Trails) [ Michael L. Tate ] 13,464 円 楽天ブックス
GRT MEDICINE ROAD PART 4 American Trails Michael L. Tate Kerin Tate Will Bagley ARTHUR H CLARK CO2020 Hardcover English ISBN:9780870624346 洋書 Social Science(社会科学) History
Share the Light 40 World-Changing Devotions【電子書籍】[ Sam Sorbo ] Share the Light 40 World-Changing Devotions【電子書籍】[ Sam Sorbo ] 1,291 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>Make a Difference in Your World!</p> <p>Jesus spoke in parables, stories to teach truths with profound meaning. Good stories can move us and affect our thoughts. Thoughts compel action, and actions change the world.</p> <p>After the success of the theatrical release of their movie <em>Let There Be Light</em>, Sam and Kevin Sorbo now present a devotional follow-up that takes a deeper dive into t・・・(以下省略)
The Manchurian Candidate, Part 4, The Impeachment of President Donald J. Trump【電子書籍】[ Paul Covell ] The Manchurian Candidate, Part 4, The Impeachment of President Donald J. Trump【電子書籍】[ Paul Covell ] 547 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>The Saga of the Manchurian Candidate, in four parts, describes the ascent to power of President Donald J. Trump and the corruption of America's norms and institutions. As collateral damage, the Republican Party, formerly a bastion of conservative principles, has adopted the Moscow Party Line in a last ditch effort to salvage the Gemini Presidents, Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin, whose trajecto・・・(以下省略)
????????? ?? ???? ?????? ? ????? ?? ?????? ??? ??? ??????? ?? ??? ????: ???? ????? - Afghanistan in the Light of Economics and Politics: Part 4【電子書籍】[ Saddiq Fatta ] ????????? ?? ???? ?????? ? ????? ?? ?????? ??? ??? ??????? ?? ??? ????: ???? ????? - Afghanistan in the Light of Economics and Politics: Part 4【電子書籍】[ Saddiq Fatta ] 556 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>??? ???? ?????? ??????</p> <p>????? ???? ????? ????(????????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ??????????? ?????????? ?? ??? ????)</p> <p>(????? ???? ???? ????)</p> <p>??? ???? ?? ???? ??? ???? ???? ??????????? ???? ?? ??? ???? ????? ??????????? ??????? ???? ????????? ?????? ????? ????? ??????? ?????? ?????? ??????????? ????? ????? ? ????? ??????????? ??? ????? ?????? ?????? ? ?? ????? ????? ????? ?????? ?・・・(以下省略)
Butrint 4 The Archaeology and Histories of an Ionian Town【電子書籍】 Butrint 4 The Archaeology and Histories of an Ionian Town【電子書籍】 4,448 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>This richly illustrated volume discusses the histories of the port city of Butrint, and its intimate connection to the wider conditions of the Adriatic. In so doing it is a reading, and re-reading, of the site that adds significantly to the study of Mediterranean urban history over the longue dur?e . Firstly, the book proposes a new paradigm for the development-history of Butrint - based on dis・・・(以下省略)
Australia and China at 40【電子書籍】 Australia and China at 40【電子書籍】 4,921 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>For the first time, Australia's leading trading partner is not a democracy. Rather, it is a powerful authoritarian state with a fast-growing economy, a rapidly modernising military and bold global ambition. How should Australia respond to the seemingly unstoppable and dazzlingly swift rise of China? To mark the 40th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Australia and the People's Republic・・・(以下省略)
Research on the Rule of Law of China’s Cybersecurity China’s Rule of Law in Cybersecurity Over the Past 40 Years【電子書籍】[ Daoli Huang ] Research on the Rule of Law of China’s Cybersecurity China’s Rule of Law in Cybersecurity Over the Past 40 Years【電子書籍】[ Daoli Huang ] 17,016 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>This book provides a comprehensive and systematic review of China's rule of law on cybersecurity over the past 40 years, from which readers can have a comprehensive view of the development of China's cybersecurity legislation, supervision, and justice in the long course of 40 years. In particular, this book combines the development node of China's reform and opening up with the construction of ・・・(以下省略)
Riyaz?'s Salihin Cilt 4【電子書籍】[ Mehmet Ya?ar Kandemir ] Riyaz?'s Salihin Cilt 4【電子書籍】[ Mehmet Ya?ar Kandemir ] 677 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>Marmara ?niversitesi ?lahiyat Fak?ltesi ??retim G?revlileri Prof. Dr. M. Ya?ar Kandemir, Prof. Dr. ?smail L. ?akan ve Do? Dr. Ra?it K???k'?n 6 y?ll?k eme?inin sonucu meydana gelen, ?mam-? Nevevi'nin me?hur eseri Riyaz?'s-Salihin'e yapt?klar? tafsilatl? ?erh ?al??mas?.</p> <p>T?rkiye'de bir ????r a?mak.Var olan bir g?zel yolu geni?letmek. S?lihler Bah?esine varan g?zergah?n kullan?l?rl???n? artt・・・(以下省略)
Les derniers secrets du IIIe Reich【電子書籍】[ Fran?ois Kersaudy ] Les derniers secrets du IIIe Reich【電子書籍】[ Fran?ois Kersaudy ] 1,100 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p><strong>La suite du best-seller <em>Les secrets du IIIe Reich</em></strong><br /> Apr?s l'immense succ?s des Secrets du IIIe Reich, Fran?ois Kersaudy et Yannis Kadari entra?nent le lecteur dans une nouvelle plong?e au c?ur des arcanes du r?gime hitl?rien. Dans un texte enlev? et accessible, tous deux revisitent certains ?pisodes myst?rieux de ce moment d'histoire ahurissant, faisant ? l'occasio・・・(以下省略)
Black's Law Dictionary BLACKS LAW DICT 4/E (Black's Law Dictionary (Paper)) [ Bryan A. Garner ] Black's Law Dictionary BLACKS LAW DICT 4/E (Black's Law Dictionary (Paper)) [ Bryan A. Garner ] 9,856 円 楽天ブックス
BLACKS LAW DICT 4/E Black's Law Dictionary (Paper) Bryan A. Garner Jeff Newman Tiger Jackson THOMSON REUTERS2011 Paperback Pocket English ISBN:9780314275448 洋書 Social Science(社会科学) Law
Die Peitsche Ein fast vergessenes Accessoire der NS-Tyrannei【電子書籍】[ Bernd Mollenhauer ] Die Peitsche Ein fast vergessenes Accessoire der NS-Tyrannei【電子書籍】[ Bernd Mollenhauer ] 1,100 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>DIE PEITSCHE, einst als pers?nliche Marotte Hitlers in den Stra?en M?nchens mitgef?hrt, wird 1934 an die zentrale Macht im NS-Staat weitergereicht, die SS. Zuerst im KL Dachau eingesetzt, kommt ihr bald ?berall in den zahlreichen Lagern, die unter deutscher Verwaltung in den besetzten L?ndern entstehen, eine zentrale Bedeutung zu. Beispielhaft f?r die "Karriere" der Peitsche wird die "T4" benan・・・(以下省略)
'Aktion T4'. Die erste Phase der Euthanasie im Nationalsozialismus Die erste Phase der Euthanasie im Nationalsozialismus【電子書籍】[ Matthias Felsch ] 'Aktion T4'. Die erste Phase der Euthanasie im Nationalsozialismus Die erste Phase der Euthanasie im Nationalsozialismus【電子書籍】[ Matthias Felsch ] 1,788 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2006 im Fachbereich Geschichte Europa - Deutschland - Nationalsozialismus, II. Weltkrieg, Note: 1,0, Freie Universit?t Berlin (Friedrich Meinecke Institut), Veranstaltung: Hauptseminar 'Biopolitik im Nationalsozialismus', Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Die Euthanasie im Dritten Reich ist weder der Anfang noch der Endpunkt der Planung und Umsetzung eugenischer und rasseni・・・(以下省略)
The First 400【電子書籍】[ D L Patterson ] The First 400【電子書籍】[ D L Patterson ] 700 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p><em>The First 400</em> illuminates the reality that debt peonage, convict leasing, sharecropping, and militarized policing were the spawns of antebellum slavery proving that the gist of this heinous practice has a shelf life which extends much further than Emancipation. From the account of possibly the first black autistic savant, an exploited blind musical genius and composer compared to Mozar・・・(以下省略)
My Daily Discoverment 40 Days of Vocational Discernment for Young Adults【電子書籍】[ Andrew Hyde, MTS ] My Daily Discoverment 40 Days of Vocational Discernment for Young Adults【電子書籍】[ Andrew Hyde, MTS ] 825 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>My Daily Discoverment is a resource for young adults in the Christian tradition who want to explore vocational discernment. Utilizing forty daily reflections from the author, reflection prompts with space to journal, and additional commentary from diverse contributors, this resource equips readers to engage questions of calling, purpose, and decision-making. My Daily Discoverment is structured ・・・(以下省略)
Chronicles of Han: Preserving Creata: Part 4: Regeneration【電子書籍】[ H Gibson ] Chronicles of Han: Preserving Creata: Part 4: Regeneration【電子書籍】[ H Gibson ] 409 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>The adventure continues with Han battling deamon creatures, in the process regenerating his own body while receiving more keys to unlock the tool that will assist to preserve Creata.</p> <p>As per reader request, this is the third part that has now been made available independently from the compiled Preserving Creata book which consists of Part 1 to part 7. #adventure #chroniclesofhan #series #・・・(以下省略)
J'avais une maison ? Los Angeles Grand reporter ? Hollywood pendant 40 ans【電子書籍】[ Dany Jucaud ] J'avais une maison ? Los Angeles Grand reporter ? Hollywood pendant 40 ans【電子書籍】[ Dany Jucaud ] 2,244 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>Elle a v?cu la belle et grande ?poque de la presse et des stars, au sein d’un magazine au fa?te de sa gloire.</p> <p>Dany Jucaud fut pendant 40 ans reporter ? <em>Match</em>.</p> <p>Install?e ? Los Angeles, entr?e dans le m?tier presque par hasard ? la veille des ann?es 1980, elle fut une journaliste redoutable. Avant les r?seaux, avant les portables, quand Match demeurait le meilleur moyen de ・・・(以下省略)
Oral History of Germans Taken To the USSR with Their Obsolete DFS 346-Part 4【電子書籍】[ David Myhra ] Oral History of Germans Taken To the USSR with Their Obsolete DFS 346-Part 4【電子書籍】[ David Myhra ] 600 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>This is an oral history of several dozens of German aviation designers and engineers that were taken to the Soviet Union in October 1946 along with their DFS 346. The information contained here-in has never been made public until now. Dr Myhra traveled to all the places mentioned and with the assistance of language interpreters Margarita Reck of Salem-Neufrach, West Germany and Gerhard Hopf of ・・・(以下省略)
The Secret SECRET 4D [ Rhonda Byrne ] The Secret SECRET 4D [ Rhonda Byrne ] 4,752 円 楽天ブックス
SECRET 4D Rhonda Byrne Rhonda Byrne SIMON & SCHUSTER2006 Compact Disc English ISBN:9780743566193 洋書 Social Science(社会科学) Body, Mind & Spirit

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