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Exploration of Lunar & Martian Lava Tubes by Cube-X【電子書籍】[ Patrick Stakem ] | 1,518 円 | 込 | 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア | |
<p>This book discusses the subject of lava tubes on Earth, the Moon and Mars, and their potential applications for habitats and planetary settlements. To implement this, we need robotic explorers that can scout the lava tubes. This book will discuss an approach for that, using Cube-Xs, which are standardized architectures, based on the Cubesat model. Lava tubes are primary caves, not formed from t・・・(以下省略) | ||||
Maladie de Crohn Things You Should Know (Questions et R?ponses)【電子書籍】[ Rumi Michael Leigh ] | 661 円 | 込 | 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア | |
<p>Ce guide complet en format questions-r?ponses vous offre une compr?hension approfondie de la maladie de Crohn, une maladie inflammatoire chronique de l'intestin. Que vous soyez un patient, un proche, ou simplement curieux d'en savoir plus, ce livre est fait pour vous.</p> <p>Points forts du livre :</p> <p>Explications Claires : Des r?ponses pr?cises et faciles ? comprendre sur les causes, les s・・・(以下省略) | ||||
Embedded Computer Systems Introduction and Architecture【電子書籍】[ Patrick Stakem ] | 1,011 円 | 込 | 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア | |
<p>I am assuming a basic knowledge of computer architecture, but most of what you need to know is also included. The details of computer math are presented in an appendix. I have collected together a representative list of reference books and interesting titles in the bibliography. In a quickly evolving field such as embedded computers, new and relevant material is emerging all the time. This book・・・(以下省略) | ||||
Encyclopaedic World Geography【電子書籍】[ E. Bloomfield ] | 40,522 円 | 込 | 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア | |
<p>If an infant is deprived of the benefits of the society he lives in, he will either soon perish or, if by some strange interposition of Providence, he should arrive at more mature years, he will be found to be only a more savage, naked and speechless, resembling other wild animals similarly, in the acquisition of knowledge, we are united to our fellow men by various depress of dependence. While・・・(以下省略) | ||||
Encyclopaedic World Geography【電子書籍】[ E. Bloomfield ] | 40,522 円 | 込 | 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア | |
<p>If an infant is deprived of the benefits of the society he lives in, he will either soon perish or, if by some strange interposition of Providence, he should arrive at more mature years, he will be found to be only a more savage, naked and speechless, resembling other wild animals similarly, in the acquisition of knowledge, we are united to our fellow men by various depress of dependence. While・・・(以下省略) | ||||
4- and 8-bit Microprocessors【電子書籍】[ Patrick Stakem ] | 843 円 | 込 | 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア | |
<p>There is a brief review of computer architecture, binary math, and digital logic that you can skip, if you are familiar with these topics.</p> <p>The evolution of the 8-bit processors is a history of the advance of semiconductor technology from the first transistors, to the breakthrough of multiple transistors on a chip, the integrated circuit. A lot of this happened when the “Silicon Valley” o・・・(以下省略) | ||||
MONTARE UN FILM【電子書籍】[ Gigi Oliviero ] | 330 円 | 込 | 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア | |
<p>UN INCONSUETO E COMPLETO MANUALE DI MONTAGGIO CINEMATOGRAFICO E TELEVISIVO.</p> <p>Questo manuale ? dedicato a chi intende avvicinarsi al montaggio cinematografico e televisivo, una fase fondamentale della costruzione di un’opera filmata. Con un linguaggio chiaro e completo, l’autore affronta tutti i principali temi relativi a questa disciplina, dalla parte storica e teorica a quella pratica, c・・・(以下省略) | ||||
Encyclopaedic World Geography【電子書籍】[ E. Bloomfield ] | 40,522 円 | 込 | 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア | |
<p>If an infant is deprived of the benefits of the society he lives in, he will either soon perish or, if by some strange interposition of Providence, he should arrive at more mature years, he will be found to be only a more savage, naked and speechless, resembling other wild animals similarly, in the acquisition of knowledge, we are united to our fellow men by various depress of dependence. While・・・(以下省略) | ||||
Clinical Tuberculosis【電子書籍】 | 21,951 円 | 込 | 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア | |
<p>Entirely updated and revised, the 6th edition of <em><strong>Clinical Tuberculosis</strong></em> continues to provide the TB physician with a definitive and erudite account of the latest techniques in diagnosis, treatment and control of TB, including an overview of the latest guidelines from the CDC and WHO. With an increased emphasis on the clinical aspects and treatment, this book will be an ・・・(以下省略) | ||||
第一次學數位行銷就上手-第二版|SEO x FB x IG x Pinterest x YouTube x LINE整合大作戰【電子書籍】[ 蘇東偉 ] | 2,295 円 | 込 | 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア | |
<p>微型創業者、店家、行銷、企劃、業務都要?的數位行銷手法大公開!<br /> 一次??SEO、在地化行銷、社群行銷、電子書活動行銷,加??局進軍元宇宙領域,讓?的業績一路長紅發發發!</p> <p>〓?定Google贏一半<br /> .活用Blogger進行?容行銷,精準使用關鍵字做好SEO<br /> .善用Google Search Console進行分析,讓網站好上加好<br /> .完美操作「我的店家」,讓客人源源不?<br /> .活用YouTube,?也可以是網紅</p> <p>〓運用社群媒體精準行銷,擴大客源<br /> .FB粉專?活動秘訣大公開<br /> .運用FB洞察報告了解自己的粉絲族群<br /> .活用IG與Pinterest進行視覺化行銷<br /> .使用Meta Business Suite同?發?IG與FB粉專資料</p> <p>〓客人要有,LIN・・・(以下省略) | ||||
Carbon Nanotubes Reinforced Metal Matrix Composites【電子書籍】[ Andy Nieto ] | 10,974 円 | 込 | 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア | |
<p>This discovery of carbon nanotubes (CNT) three decades ago ushered in the technological era of nanotechnology. Among the most widely studied areas of CNT research is their use as structural reinforcements in composites. This book describes the development of CNT reinforced metal matrix composites (CNT-MMCs) over the last two decades. The field of CNT-MMCs is abundant in fundamental science, ric・・・(以下省略) | ||||
Advances In Pollen-Spore Research【電子書籍】[ M. Nagaraj ] | 18,235 円 | 込 | 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア | |
<p>Contents: Preface, 1. Isoetes in Rajasthan- A study of spores- D.R. Bhohra, B.D. Sharma and R. Singh, 2. Contributions to the spore morphology of certain polypodiaceous ferns from India- S.S. Bir and Chander K. Satija, 3. Contributions of palynology of angiosperm systematics- V.V. Sivarajan, 4. Studies in the loganiaceae: Pollen grains- A.M. Bendre, 5. Influence of Ethyl methanesulfonate and ga・・・(以下省略) | ||||
Advances in Integrated Pest and Disease Management in Horticultural Crops (Ornamental, Medicinal, Aromatic and Tuber Crops)【電子書籍】[ P. Parvatha Reddy ] | 21,611 円 | 込 | 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア | |
<p>The information on pests, diseases and nematode pests on ornamental, medicinal, aromatic and tuber crops is very much scattered. There is no book at present which comprehensively</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 | ||||
Tuberculosis【電子書籍】 | 9,331 円 | 込 | 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア | |
<p>With over 10 million new TB cases and 1.6 million deaths, TB is a global health priority. Multidrug-resistant TB is of particular concern to both clinicians and national TB programmes: in 2017, there were 558 000 new rifampicin-resistant cases and 460 000 confirmed multidrug-resistant TB cases. Despite extensive investigation over the years, there is still a great deal to learn about the preven・・・(以下省略) | ||||
POWTOON LANGKAH DEMI LANGKAH【電子書籍】[ Nurul Liyana Mahmod ] | 1,266 円 | 込 | 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア | |
<p>Buku ini memperkenalkan kepada pembaca tentang asas penggunaan perisian animasi berasaskan web iaitu POWTOON. Powtoon membolehkan pengguna membuat persembahan animasi dengan memanipulasi objek yang telah dibuat sebelumnya, imej yang diimport, muzik yang disediakan dan instalasi suara pengguna. Powtoon bukan perisian untuk menghasilkan filem tetapi lebih kepada mempersembah material dengan cara ・・・(以下省略) | ||||
How to Become A YOUTUBER How to Get Started on YouTube in 2020【電子書籍】[ ROBERTO ] | 673 円 | 込 | 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア | |
<p><strong>Advice for New YouTube Creators</strong></p> <p>If you want to be a “YouTuber”, you’re already in for a rude awakening, YouTube IS HARD. It’s harder if you want to be a YouTuber because you admire Big YouTubers and are looking to them as an example. You’ll judge your starting point based on their finish line, its a mistake…</p> <p>Here is what to do instead…<br /> Write down 3 things yo・・・(以下省略) | ||||
YouTube Marketing Made Simple For Business Owners【電子書籍】[ Renee Gade ] | 766 円 | 込 | 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア | |
<p><strong>YouTube Marketing Made Simple For Business Owners</strong></p> <p>We all are aware that Google is the biggest and Number 1 search engine in the world but did you know that YouTube is the second largest after Google? This simply means that YouTube brings in a lot of opportunities for all those who are looking forward to skyrocket their business and make huge money.<br /> Many people don’・・・(以下省略) | ||||
How it Works / Dealing in simple language with steam, electricity, light, heat, sound, hydraulics, optics, etc., and with their applications to apparatus in common use.【電子書籍】[ Archibald Williams ] | 1,518 円 | 込 | 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア | |
<p>How does it work? This question has been put to me so often by persons young and old that I have at last decided to answer it in such a manner that a much larger public than that with which I have personal acquaintance may be able to satisfy themselves as to the principles underlying many of the mechanisms met with in everyday life.<br /> In order to include steam, electricity, optics, hydrauli・・・(以下省略) | ||||
Il paziente con tubercolosi: dal riconoscimento alla gestione【電子書籍】[ Martina Alberani ] | 920 円 | 込 | 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア | |
<p><strong>Una malattia in crescita</strong><br /> La tubercolosi, considerata da molti una malattia dei secoli passati sta rialzando la testa anche in Italia. Come riconoscerla per tempo? Come fare diagnosi? Come impostare la terapia? Quali farmaci usare in prima linea? Quali consigli fornire per la prevenzione? Queste e altre domande trovano risposta in questo ebook</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※・・・(以下省略) | ||||
Organized Networks of Carbon Nanotubes【電子書籍】[ K.R.V. Subramanian ] | 10,467 円 | 込 | 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア | |
<p>In this book, meshes and networks formed out of multiwalled carbon nanotubes are investigated and analyzed, including their use in niche applications such as electro-optic devices, advanced mechanical, thermal and electrical property enhancement, and gene editing. Different properties of multi-walled carbon nanotubes, including random network formation, ordering the meshes and networks by mecha・・・(以下省略) |
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