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Seduzione di mezzanotte I Grandi Romanzi Storici Special【電子書籍】[ Nicola Cornick ] Seduzione di mezzanotte I Grandi Romanzi Storici Special【電子書籍】[ Nicola Cornick ] 747 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>Londra, 1814 - Da dodici anni Lady Merryn Fenner ha uno scopo nella vita: distruggere Garrick Northesk, Duca di Farne, l'uomo che ne ? sicura ha assassinato suo fratello e offuscato il nome della sua famiglia. Per riuscirci si intrufola nella dimora del duca, al fine di raccogliere le prove che lo inchioderanno. Ma la vita spesso ? imprevedibile e allora accade che sia proprio Garrick a salvare・・・(以下省略)
Um C?ntico de Natal: A Christmas Carol Edi??o bil?ngue portugu?s - ingl?s【電子書籍】[ Charles Dickens ] Um C?ntico de Natal: A Christmas Carol Edi??o bil?ngue portugu?s - ingl?s【電子書籍】[ Charles Dickens ] 530 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>Um C?ntico de Natal tem como protagonista Ebenezer Scrooge, um p?o-duro, propriet?rio de uma casa de contabilidade e empregador do pobre Bob Cratchit, seu escritur?rio. Scrooge evita fazer quaisquer gastos, tanto que no inverno, ? ?poca do Natal, o escrit?rio ? aquecido apenas por uma pequena lareira. Para Scrooge, isso n?o ? um problema, uma vez que a sua frieza interior ? constante, e o confo・・・(以下省略)
Lost Legacies Omnibus One An Urban Fantasy Romance Collection【電子書籍】[ Maddox Grey ] Lost Legacies Omnibus One An Urban Fantasy Romance Collection【電子書籍】[ Maddox Grey ] 2,099 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p><strong>A wicked feline shifter. A cruel warlock.<br /> And a dark secret that can devour worlds.</strong></p> <p>A bloody heart. That has been my birthday gift every year from the warlock I once loved. He used me, so I left him. And found the love of my life. We shared a blissful life together until Sebastian destroyed it all with one sweeping declaration.</p> <p>You will always be mine.</p> <・・・(以下省略)
Dazhan Secrets of the Cave People【電子書籍】[ Douglas Dunn ] Dazhan Secrets of the Cave People【電子書籍】[ Douglas Dunn ] 1,372 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>A model for personal and community advancement demonstrated through the allegory of a fantasy parable. When a successful business person from our world stumbles into an exotic, subterranean civilization, long hidden from the Outside world, he is exposed to new ways of thinking and feeling, but also exposes others to a world of harsh and cruel violence. The Outside world is rich in technological・・・(以下省略)
Mit hemmelige liv【電子書籍】[ Lotte Kaa Andersen ] Mit hemmelige liv【電子書籍】[ Lotte Kaa Andersen ] 3,574 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>Et ?rligt, intenst og sk?nt genkendeligt billede af kvindeliv og overgangsalder, der ikke beh?ver betyde undergang.<br /> Da statsministeren g?r p? live tv den 11. marts 2020 og meddeler, at Danmark lukker ned, lukker Lotte Kaa Andersens krop ogs? ned. Noget tungt og varmt rammer hende som en bombe. Hun kan ikke sove. Hudl?s og gennemsigtig g?r hun gennem det for?r uden at fort?lle sin mand, s?・・・(以下省略)
The Starlight Motel【電子書籍】[ Amy Craig ] The Starlight Motel【電子書籍】[ Amy Craig ] 774 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>Experienced muralist Kada took charge of her family's Palm Springs motel to give her mother time to grieve. As a grant deadline approaches, Kada must convince her mother to manage the motel so she can return to her art. Late in December, Kada encounters a horseman approaching the property. Dane, the reserved son of a local farming family, is a loyal workaholic with limited spare time or experie・・・(以下省略)
Carnivalesque【電子書籍】[ Neil Jordan ] Carnivalesque【電子書籍】[ Neil Jordan ] 2,443 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p><em>It looked like any other carnival, but of course it wasn't…</em></p> <p><em>It had its own little backstreets, its alleyways of hanging bulbs and ghost trains and Punch and Judy stands …</em><br /> <em>And at the end of one he saw the Hall of Mirrors. There were looping strings of carnival lights leading towards it, and a large sign in mirrored glass reading 'Burleigh's Amazing Hall of Mirr・・・(以下省略)
И.А. Крылов. Его жизнь и литературная деятельность.【電子書籍】[ Брилиант, Семен ] И.А. Крылов. Его жизнь и литературная деятельность.【電子書籍】[ Брилиант, Семен ] 160 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>Этот биографический очерк посвящен жизненному пути и литературной деятельности Ивана Андреевич Крылова (1769 ー 1844), великого русского писателя, баснописца, академика Петербургской Академии Наук (1841), издателя. И.А.Крылов издавал сатирические журналы "Почта духов" (1789) и др. Он писал трагедии и комедии, оперные либретто. В 1809ー43 он создал более 200 басен, проникнутых демократическим духо・・・(以下省略)
The Yellow Phantom【電子書籍】[ Margaret Sutton ] The Yellow Phantom【電子書籍】[ Margaret Sutton ] 240 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>Judy Bolton and Irene Lang travel to New York City for a visit with Pauline Faulkner. While on their way into the city, the girls meet a handsome young author named Dale Meredith. The girls, especially Irene, become intrigued with the idea of meeting him again. By a stroke of luck, Judy secures a position in his agent's office. When Dale's agent, Emily Grimshaw, sees Irene for the first time, s・・・(以下省略)
Texting-4-Sex: The 5-Story Collection of Sex-on-the-Run【電子書籍】[ John Martin ] Texting-4-Sex: The 5-Story Collection of Sex-on-the-Run【電子書籍】[ John Martin ] 350 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>Five freaky incidents of 'sex texting'; horny guys taking the quick route to hook up, bunk up, and unload, No time wasting, no face to face chit chat, and no dating; this is the short cut method of getting laid. Author John Martin excels, taking realistic situations and writing them in his unique style that is guaranteed to get you reaching for your phone.<br /> Please note: Some of these are '・・・(以下省略)
Influenc? & Inconscient Vous ne devez pas compter sur les ?tudes.【電子書籍】[ Maxime ARNAUDET ] Influenc? & Inconscient Vous ne devez pas compter sur les ?tudes.【電子書籍】[ Maxime ARNAUDET ] 1,617 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>Je n’?tais pas destin? ? ?crire un livre, tr?s mauvais en langue fran?aise je fais des fautes ? chaque mot. Je d?testais lire. Pour tout vous dire je fuyais en voyant un livre. Enfin c’est ce dont on m’a fait croire jusqu’? ce que je d?cide de ne plus d?pendre des autres.</p> <p>J’ai quitt? mes ?tudes pour devenir ma?tre de mon temps et acteur de mon avenir. ? travers ces pages je vous partage ・・・(以下省略)
Bossy A Billionaire Boss Office Romance【電子書籍】[ Rowena ] Bossy A Billionaire Boss Office Romance【電子書籍】[ Rowena ] 645 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p><em><strong>Candace Brown has hit rock bottom.</strong></em></p> <p>After a failed marriage leaves her in mountains of debt, she’s desperately trying to find a job and ends up face to face with the man whose heart she broke when she left him years agoーand now the “poor trash” her parents stopped her from seeing is a billionaire boss!</p> <p>Can she get her first love to forgive her? Or will he ・・・(以下省略)
Darling Doc【電子書籍】[ Raven McAllan ] Darling Doc【電子書籍】[ Raven McAllan ] 330 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>This stuff only happens in romance novels...<br /> After a chance meeting on a crowded tram, Sandy has cause to re-evaluate several things.</p> <ol> <li>It is perfectly possible to lust after a stranger.</li> <li>It isn’t only fictional heroines who need to carry spare panties.</li> <li>A man’s voice really can almost make you climax in public.</li> <li>Great sex does exist.</li> <li>Being a do・・・(以下省略)
O brilho das sombras A hist?ria real de um homem que voltou do coma com talento para a arte (e o que a ci?ncia tem feito para entender o c?rebro humano)【電子書籍】[ Amy Ellis Nutt ] O brilho das sombras A hist?ria real de um homem que voltou do coma com talento para a arte (e o que a ci?ncia tem feito para entender o c?rebro humano)【電子書籍】[ Amy Ellis Nutt ] 1,300 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>Em uma tarde ensolarada de outono, ao se curvar para pegar uma bola de golfe, algo estranho aconteceu a Jon Sarkin. Por uma raz?o inexplic?vel, um pequeno vaso sangu?neo em seu c?rebro, fino como um fio de cabelo, se moveu de repente. Um ru?do excruciante passou a atorment?-lo, e a busca por paz o levou a uma agressiva cirurgia cerebral, cuja recupera??o teve graves complica??es. Dentre as muit・・・(以下省略)
Complete Mystery War Collection【電子書籍】[ H. C. McNeile ] Complete Mystery War Collection【電子書籍】[ H. C. McNeile ] 807 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>Commonly known as Cyril McNeile and publishing under the name H. C. McNeile or the pseudonym Sapper, was a British soldier and author. Drawing on his experiences in the trenches during the First World War. As serving officers in the British Army were not permitted to publish under their own names, he was given the pen name "Sapper" by Lord Northcliffe, the owner of the Daily M・・・(以下省略)
Just an Illusion - EP EP【電子書籍】[ D. Kelly ] Just an Illusion - EP EP【電子書籍】[ D. Kelly ] 645 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>Just an Illusion - EP is the third book in The Illusion Series. You will need to read the previous books Just an Illusion - Side A and Just an Illusion - The B Side in order to follow along.</p> <p>Lives are turned upside down …</p> <p>Everything was perfect before life came to a screeching halt.</p> <p>When devastating loss flips Amelia’s world on its axis, she loses her spirit. Mel isn’t the ・・・(以下省略)
Aaaiiieee!!!【電子書籍】[ Jeffrey Thomas ] Aaaiiieee!!!【電子書籍】[ Jeffrey Thomas ] 468 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p><em>AAAIIIEEE!!!</em> presents to the horror enthusiast twenty of the best dark fantasy tales of author Jeffrey Thomas (PUNKTOWN), culled from their original appearances in the independent press.</p> <p>From subtle stories of ghosts and encroaching madness to extreme tales of erotic and visceral terror, this collections contents span the breadth of the horror spectrum. In these pages one will e・・・(以下省略)
L'erede del principe Harmony Collezione【電子書籍】[ Sharon Kendrick ] L'erede del principe Harmony Collezione【電子書籍】[ Sharon Kendrick ] 373 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>La stilista Lisa Bailey ha interrotto con riluttanza la sua relazione con Luc, consapevole che una storia d'amore con un principe non poteva avere alcun futuro. Ma un ultimo incontro rubato l'ha lasciata tremante di passione, colma di desiderio e... custode di un dolce segreto. Alcuni mesi dopo, il principe Luciano Leonidas di Mardovia ? sul punto di contrarre un perfetto matrimonio politico qu・・・(以下省略)
BDSM Kvindefotograf【電子書籍】[ Karen Nielsen ] BDSM Kvindefotograf【電子書籍】[ Karen Nielsen ] 436 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>Inga er en professionel fotograf, der kan lide at forevige vigtige ?jeblikke i menneskers liv gennem sine fotografier..</p> <p>Mens han i sit studie afsl?rer de sidste billeder, han havde taget af en familie, kommer en ny kunde ind i lokalerne.</p> <p>Denne klient, en meget velpositioneret og ber?mt leder, har en opgave for Inga, der ikke er s?rlig konventionel: at optage scener for voksne.</p>・・・(以下省略)
Scusa ma ti chiamo Luca【電子書籍】[ Giuseppe Franco Sr ] Scusa ma ti chiamo Luca【電子書籍】[ Giuseppe Franco Sr ] 569 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>E' Possibile Dimenticare una Delusione Amorosa?</p> <p>Che cosa Succede dopo la Fine di un Amore? Vuoi scoprire come vive l'uomo una crisi d'amore? Allora leggi come Luca ha affrontato la rottura con l'amore della sua vita...</p> <p>Una storia divertente e leggera, per chi ha voglia di staccare dalla routine quotidiana e sorridere.</p> <p>La trama:<br /> ≪Luca ? improvvisamente single per scelt・・・(以下省略)

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