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Body Language Secrets: 8 Surprisingly Effective Ways To Read Body Language. Learn Body Language Secrets including BONUS Chapter on Body Language of Love!【電子書籍】[ Alan Pies ] Body Language Secrets: 8 Surprisingly Effective Ways To Read Body Language. Learn Body Language Secrets including BONUS Chapter on Body Language of Love!【電子書籍】[ Alan Pies ] 727 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>Reading body language is like a game, once you know the rules you can play the game. We communicate with our body too not just words and in this book; we are touching on some very interesting topics. You can read body language to determine whether someone love you or is lusting after you. This is an important skill for women to have so they do not get their feelings hurt, and also men learn to ・・・(以下省略)
Breaking the Availability Barrier Ii Achieving Century Uptimes with Active/Active Systems【電子書籍】[ Dr. Bruce Holenstein ] Breaking the Availability Barrier Ii Achieving Century Uptimes with Active/Active Systems【電子書籍】[ Dr. Bruce Holenstein ] 1,056 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>This book is Volume 2 of a three-part series on active/active systems. It describes techniques that can be used today for extending system failure times from years to centuries, often at little or no additional cost.</p> <p>As our daily lives and corporate well-being become more dependent upon computers, system reliability grows increasingly important. No longer are frequent system outages acce・・・(以下省略)
La oracion que DIOS contesta【電子書籍】[ Hernando Trujillo Correal ] La oracion que DIOS contesta【電子書籍】[ Hernando Trujillo Correal ] 550 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>Hay d?as en que el mundo va muy r?pido, los problemas nos ahogan, las palabras no fl uyen efectivamente y no podemos hablar con Dios para pedirle ayuda. Hernando Trujillo Correal, el autor de este libro, tuvo claridad en un momento clave para comunicarse con Dios y sobrevivir a un c?ncer. Esa experiencia lo llev? a escribir La oraci?n que Dios contesta, una gu?a para tener una comunicaci?n plen・・・(以下省略)
12 Erfolgsgewohnheiten Der Schl?ssel zu einem Leben in Wohlstand und Erf?llung【電子書籍】[ Frank T. Held ] 12 Erfolgsgewohnheiten Der Schl?ssel zu einem Leben in Wohlstand und Erf?llung【電子書籍】[ Frank T. Held ] 1,300 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>In einer Welt, in der Erfolg oft als Gl?ckssache betrachtet wird, enth?llt Frank T. Held die wahren Geheimnisse, die hinter nachhaltigem Wohlstand und erf?lltem Leben stehen. Basierend auf jahrzehntelanger Forschung und pers?nlichen Erfahrungen, zeigt dieses Buch, wie man durch die Etablierung einfacher, aber wirkungsvoller Gewohnheiten ein Leben voller Erfolg und Zufriedenheit f?hren kann. Ler・・・(以下省略)
Every Day’S a Good Day【電子書籍】[ Terry Gordon ] Every Day’S a Good Day【電子書籍】[ Terry Gordon ] 468 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>For most of his life, author Terry Gordon found expressing his thoughts and feelings almost impossible. It could have been because of a lack of self-confidence or simply because no one was there to listen. This was where author Terry Gordon found himself after his mother died when he was twelve. In his book, Every Days a Good Day, Gordon shares his struggle to survive.</p> <p>When a note Gordon・・・(以下省略)
Design Thinking for Strategy Innovating Towards Competitive Advantage【電子書籍】[ Claude Diderich ] Design Thinking for Strategy Innovating Towards Competitive Advantage【電子書籍】[ Claude Diderich ] 6,076 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>The business environment is changing more rapidly than ever before, and new business ideas are emerging. This book discusses applying insights from design thinking to craft novel strategies that satisfy customer needs, make use of the available capabilities, integrate requirements for financial success and provide competitive advantage.</p> <p>It guides readers through the jungle encountered wh・・・(以下省略)
WEEK ONE: OUTLINE YOUR BOOK | Six Weeks to Creating a Book Series that Earns Passive Income from Several Sources【電子書籍】[ Kim Staflund ] WEEK ONE: OUTLINE YOUR BOOK | Six Weeks to Creating a Book Series that Earns Passive Income from Several Sources【電子書籍】[ Kim Staflund ] 125 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>BOOK PUBLISHING SHORTCUTS FOR ONLINE MARKETERS<br /> Six Weeks to Creating a Book Series that Earns Passive Income from Several Sources</p> <p>Week One: Outline Your Book<br /> Weeks Two to Four: Write Your Book<br /> Week Five: Refine Your Book<br /> Week Six: Launch Your Book</p> <p>"Lather, Rinse, Repeat!"</p> <p>Now online marketers can learn the method today's most succes・・・(以下省略)
Positive Social Identity The Quantitative Analysis of Ethics【電子書籍】[ Nick Duncan ] Positive Social Identity The Quantitative Analysis of Ethics【電子書籍】[ Nick Duncan ] 5,976 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>Despite considerable work the answer to basic questions such as ‘what are our ethics and our moral norms now?’ ‘Have they changed since last year?’, ‘If so why?’ remain surprisingly illusive.</p> <p>This book argues that progress towards answering these questions is possible through a grounded analytical account of the cultivation of ethics and moral norms in social groups, in particular places・・・(以下省略)
I Talenti Dell'Anima Le 27 Lettere Dell’Eroe Per Ascoltarsi E Realizzare Tutto Il Proprio Potenziale Ritrovando Prosperit?, Gioia E Amore, Grazie All’Evoluzione Spirituale【電子書籍】[ Lorenzo Napolitano ] I Talenti Dell'Anima Le 27 Lettere Dell’Eroe Per Ascoltarsi E Realizzare Tutto Il Proprio Potenziale Ritrovando Prosperit?, Gioia E Amore, Grazie All’Evoluzione Spirituale【電子書籍】[ Lorenzo Napolitano ] 1,614 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>Senti fortemente che la tua vera ed intima missione debba ancora realmente concretizzarsi e compiersi? Credi profondamente di aver dato tantissimo nella vita, ma avverti di non aver ancora raccolto i meritati frutti, nonostante tutti i tuoi sforzi e le energie profuse? E se i tuoi tentativi non fossero fino a oggi effettivamente andati nella direzione che ? stata “scritta” e tracciata per la tu・・・(以下省略)
?看事情的角度,決定了幸福的長度:21個切換視角的練習,辛苦也能是幸福 ものの見方検定ーー「最悪」は0.1秒で「最高」にできる!【電子書籍】[ 翡翠小太郎 ] ?看事情的角度,決定了幸福的長度:21個切換視角的練習,辛苦也能是幸福 ものの見方検定ーー「最悪」は0.1秒で「最高」にできる!【電子書籍】[ 翡翠小太郎 ] 1,118 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p><strong>幸福不需追尋,只需發現。</strong></p> <p><strong>當?改變看世界的方式,世界就會因此改變!</strong></p> <p><strong>21<strong><strong>種思考觀點+</strong></strong>21****項生活練習,</strong></p> <p><strong>助?吸引好運、累積財富,遇見更好的自己。</strong></p> <p><strong>人生的?件事,都是最好的事!</strong></p> <p><strong>特別收?<strong><strong>?</strong></strong>翡翠小太郎嚴選!<strong><strong>0.1</strong></strong>秒轉換觀點的名人經典語?</strong></p> <p>就像攝影有各種鏡頭,同樣的風景,透過不同的鏡頭,</p> <p・・・(以下省略)
The Disciplined Mind Your Practical Guide to Iron Discipline【電子書籍】[ Carl Adam ] The Disciplined Mind Your Practical Guide to Iron Discipline【電子書籍】[ Carl Adam ] 483 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>You may have certain mindsets that you may not be aware of that can get in the way of you becoming a more disciplined person. That's right. You might be sabotaging yourself because you hang onto certain ideas, assumptions or expectations that can undermine your progress towards greater levels of self-discipline.</p> <p>I'm going to teach you how to become more disciplined on a practical level. ・・・(以下省略)
The Notebooks of Leonardo Da Vinci【電子書籍】[ Jean Paul Richter ] The Notebooks of Leonardo Da Vinci【電子書籍】[ Jean Paul Richter ] 483 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>The Notebooks of Leonardo Da Vinci<br /> by Jean Paul Richter</p> <p>The Notebooks of Leonardo Da Vinci - The popularity of Dan Brown's book, The Da Vinci Code, has revitalized interest in this fascinating historical character. Leonardo Da Vinci lived from 1452 - 1519 and is the very definition of the words, "Renaissance Man". His work in anatomy, architecture, engineering, invention, mathemati・・・(以下省略)
When should you consult? A few tests you can do yourself...【電子書籍】[ National Initiative for the Care of the Elderly ] When should you consult? A few tests you can do yourself...【電子書籍】[ National Initiative for the Care of the Elderly ] 96 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>This tool contains seven chapters that are not directly linked to one another. Each chapter addresses a common health problem that should be detected and treated as early as possible and that is easy for people to assess themselves with no special medical knowledge. For each topic covered in the tool, there is a test or short questionnaire to complete. Depending on the results, we recommend tha・・・(以下省略)
Transmettre une entreprise familiale【電子書籍】[ Olivier Mellerio ] Transmettre une entreprise familiale【電子書籍】[ Olivier Mellerio ] 2,589 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<h4>Entrepreneur, un m?tier, une vie</h4> <p>Un nombre croissant de dirigeants d'entreprises familiales fran?aises partira bient?t en retraite. Or, la transmission de ce patrimoine au sein de la famille se trouve fortement menac?e.</p> <p>L'auteur, qui a rendu au gouvernement un rapport d?taill? sur la question, propose des solutions argument?es pour renverser la donne. Se basant sur des interview・・・(以下省略)
Rural Development for Sustainable Social-ecological Systems Putting Communities First【電子書籍】 Rural Development for Sustainable Social-ecological Systems Putting Communities First【電子書籍】 18,231 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>This book provides an overview of interdisciplinary approaches that have applied social science to research focused on issues around food, agriculture and natural resource management. The book demonstrates that those who work in rural sociology either as researchers or practitioners apply community development and participatory techniques to socio-environmental interaction. The book discusses h・・・(以下省略)
Heimat?berweisungen ausl?ndischer Haushalte Theoretische Erkl?rungsans?tze und einige empirische Befunde aus Deutschland【電子書籍】[ Lars Schwettmann ] Heimat?berweisungen ausl?ndischer Haushalte Theoretische Erkl?rungsans?tze und einige empirische Befunde aus Deutschland【電子書籍】[ Lars Schwettmann ] 3,439 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>Diplomarbeit aus dem Jahr 2002 im Fachbereich VWL - Sonstiges, Note: 1,0, Universit?t Osnabr?ck (Fachbereich Wirtschaftswissenschaften), Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Im Zusammenhang mit Migrationsbewegungen lassen sich sehr h?ufig Transferzahlungen der ausgewanderten Personen an ihre Familien in der Heimat beobachten. Diese 'Rimessen' sind nicht nur f?r die einzelnen Empf?ngerhaushalte, sondern ・・・(以下省略)
The Secrets to Hosting Successful Teleseminars: Teleseminars are hot. Make them work for you!【電子書籍】[ David Brock ] The Secrets to Hosting Successful Teleseminars: Teleseminars are hot. Make them work for you!【電子書籍】[ David Brock ] 186 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>Nothing could be further from the truth. If you know enough to start your own business, you know enough to conduct your own teleseminar. Don’t be intimidated by thoughts that it must be too hard for you. It’s not! You can use the power of teleseminars to establish your brand as an authority in your niche and continue to attract new leads and prospects.</p> <p>"The Secrets to Hosting Teleseminar・・・(以下省略)
Becoming Your own Wealth Banker Strategies of the Wealthy: Leveraging Finance as a Tax-Free Wealth Builder【電子書籍】[ Matt Kingsley ] Becoming Your own Wealth Banker Strategies of the Wealthy: Leveraging Finance as a Tax-Free Wealth Builder【電子書籍】[ Matt Kingsley ] 996 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p><strong>Unlock the secrets to financial freedom with "Becoming Your Own Wealth Banker" ? your ultimate guide to mastering your money and creating a legacy of wealth. This isn't just another finance book; it's a revolutionary approach to personal finance that challenges conventional wisdom and provides you with the tools to take control of your financial destiny.</strong></p> <p>Imagine breaking・・・(以下省略)
Tolleranza Per La Diversit? Collezione Intelligenza Emotiva, #14【電子書籍】[ Storchi Edizioni ] Tolleranza Per La Diversit? Collezione Intelligenza Emotiva, #14【電子書籍】[ Storchi Edizioni ] 300 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>Un argomento efficace: pu? sembrare contraddittorio, ma non deve esserlo.</p> <p>Fin dall'infanzia ci viene inculcata la convinzione che le discussioni non siano desiderabili e che sia preferibile evitare i disaccordi.</p> <p>In effetti, gli argomenti vengono visti come sfavorevoli proprio quando mancano di produttivit?.</p> <p>Acquisisci la capacit? di presentare e difendere le tue idee in mod・・・(以下省略)
Creo【電子書籍】[ Pati Ginzo ] Creo【電子書籍】[ Pati Ginzo ] 950 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>El primer paso para crear la vida que sue?as es creer que tienes la capacidad para lograrlo. Tu autenticidad es el mayor capital que tienes para alcanzar tus objetivos. En este libro, encontrar?s herramientas sencillas y eficaces que te permitir?n ser guiada por tu intuici?n, descubrir qu? te apasiona y ganar coraje para aliarte con tu mejor amiga: t? misma.</p> <p>Utilizando an?cdotas de sus a・・・(以下省略)

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