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PUSH THROUGH IT! The Seth Hanchey Story【電子書籍】[ Kimber Hanchey-Ogden ] PUSH THROUGH IT! The Seth Hanchey Story【電子書籍】[ Kimber Hanchey-Ogden ] 685 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>YOU CAN FIND PURPOSE IN YOUR PAIN!</p> <p>During an ordinary Fall afternoon, Kimber Hanchey-Ogden was delivered devastating news: Seth, her 17-year-old son, had been hit by a car and airlifted to a hospital! Having sustained a traumatic brain injury, doctors told her that if Seth made it, he would never be able to walk or talk; he would not remember his past or understand humor. And that was ju・・・(以下省略)
10 Brutal Facts of Business Bankers Cracking the Code to Bank Capital【電子書籍】[ Banker Bob ] 10 Brutal Facts of Business Bankers Cracking the Code to Bank Capital【電子書籍】[ Banker Bob ] 968 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>Banker Bob obtained his MBA from a prestigious United States University and completed work for his JD. Lastly, Banker Bob is a studio-produced screenwriter. Currently, Banker Bob is the lending manager of a nationwide financial institution that has over $300 billion in banking assets. Writing under a pseudonym, Banker Bob has been a lending and underwriting specialist with the world's leading f・・・(以下省略)
Marketing social De la compr?hension des publics au changement de comportement【電子書籍】[ Gerard Hastings ] Marketing social De la compr?hension des publics au changement de comportement【電子書籍】[ Gerard Hastings ] 2,452 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>Cet ouvrage pratique et p?dagogique, illustr? par des exemples concrets de campagnes et de projets men?s par Sant? publique France, propose de pr?senter le marketing social et d’en faire d?couvrir les techniques, permettant ainsi d’am?liorer l’impact des programmes de pr?vention sur la population.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません・・・(以下省略)
Navigating Jealousy In The Workplace Strategies For Coping With Envy And Maintaining Professionalism【電子書籍】[ Gerald Morgan ] Navigating Jealousy In The Workplace Strategies For Coping With Envy And Maintaining Professionalism【電子書籍】[ Gerald Morgan ] 1,291 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>Navigating Jealousy in the Workplace: Strategies for Coping and Maintaining Professionalism is a must-read for professionals looking to effectively manage jealousy and maintain positive and productive relationships in the workplace. Written by renowned career coach Gerald Morgan, this book offers practical and actionable advice for coping with jealousy and other challenges in the workplace.</p>・・・(以下省略)
No es imposible no hipotecar tu econom?a【電子書籍】[ J. Alemany ] No es imposible no hipotecar tu econom?a【電子書籍】[ J. Alemany ] 465 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>J. Alemany (el autor), a trav?s de esta 1.? edici?n, intenta advertir a las generaciones un poco m?s j?venes, como los nacidos en este milenio, para que no caigan en los errores de las generaciones anteriores, como los pertenecientes a la etiquetada en ocasiones como ≪generaci?n del ladrillo≫, que andan por el medio siglo de vida. Se insiste en tomar muy en serio un par de conceptos b?sicos en ・・・(以下省略)
RESUMO - Good Habits, Bad Habits / Bons h?bitos, maus h?bitos: A Ci?ncia de Fazer Mudan?as Positivas que Stick por Wendy Wood【電子書籍】[ Shortcut Edition ] RESUMO - Good Habits, Bad Habits / Bons h?bitos, maus h?bitos: A Ci?ncia de Fazer Mudan?as Positivas que Stick por Wendy Wood【電子書籍】[ Shortcut Edition ] 886 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>Ao ler este resumo, o senhor vai descobrir como formar excelentes h?bitos no dia-a-dia para levar uma vida mais simples e mais tranq?ila.</p> <p>O senhor tamb?m vai descobrir :</p> <p>que mudar seus h?bitos n?o ? apenas uma quest?o de vontade;</p> <p>que a metade de suas a??es di?rias s?o h?bitos resultantes de automatismos;</p> <p>como mudar seu comportamento, modificando seu ambiente;</p> <p>・・・(以下省略)
商業周刊 第1912期 腦力新越南 2024年07月04日【電子書籍】[ 商業周刊 ] 商業周刊 第1912期 腦力新越南 2024年07月04日【電子書籍】[ 商業周刊 ] 547 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p><strong>台灣新人才庫,為何是越南?</strong></p> <p>獨家直?》?仁勳、群聯、智原、瑞イク都看中它</p> <p><strong>腦力新越南</strong></p> <p><strong>這群人,可以是缺工台灣的甘霖!</strong></p> <p>》深入越南第一軟體人才庫、Z世代最愛企業、</p> <p>愛用越籍留學生的半導體台企、越南信義區金融新貴</p> <p>》台商早入駐、肯?肯加班、專業人才薪資低15%</p> <p>專家教戰7問,教?找到對的人,善用他們</p> <p>五月,商周採訪團隊直?越南河?一間大學的五樓會議室裡,十幾家企業排排站,正舉?校園?才活動。相比台灣動輒成千上百的攤位,得租用半個校園才裝得下,這裡的「博覽會」多少有點寒酸,但仔細一看,來訪企業盡是台灣一線半導體公司,聯電、群聯、瑞イク和義隆盡數在列。</p> <p>投影幕上的簡報・・・(以下省略)
Sight Words【電子書籍】[ Marv Loucks ] Sight Words【電子書籍】[ Marv Loucks ] 1,372 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>Sight words are those words that are most frequently used in the English language. Children learn those words, so they will know them instantaneously. These words are essential for building fluency. There are other words that should also be considered sight words. These words can put you in a position to be successful in life. But just knowing them is not enough-you have to own them and never l・・・(以下省略)
RESUMO - Smart Choices / Escolhas inteligentes: Um Guia Pr?tico para Tomar Melhores Decis?es por John S. Hammond Ralph L. Keeney e Howard Raiffa【電子書籍】[ Shortcut Edition ] RESUMO - Smart Choices / Escolhas inteligentes: Um Guia Pr?tico para Tomar Melhores Decis?es por John S. Hammond Ralph L. Keeney e Howard Raiffa【電子書籍】[ Shortcut Edition ] 886 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>Ao ler este resumo, o senhor vai descobrir como tomar melhores decis?es de maneira mais eficiente.</p> <p>O senhor descobrir? tamb?m como :</p> <p>ter mais confian?a em si mesmo;</p> <p>evitar a frustra??o de fazer a escolha errada;</p> <p>agarrar mais oportunidades;</p> <p>encontrar solu??es para problemas dif?ceis;</p> <p>melhorar sua vida.</p> <p>Como o senhor toma uma decis?o? A pergunta po・・・(以下省略)
The Adventures of Chloe the YAAASSS Cat【電子書籍】[ Juleen Barnes ] The Adventures of Chloe the YAAASSS Cat【電子書籍】[ Juleen Barnes ] 1,372 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>The Adventures of Chloe the YAAASSS Cat is about a cat named Chloe that faces multiple challenges on her many adventures. Despite her numerous challenges and whatever difficult situations she faces, Chloe never gives up. Sounds like anyone you know? She reminds us that whatever situations we are faced with or whatever life throws our way, we must persevere, take a stance, and don't ever give up・・・(以下省略)
How to Build a Winning Brand A Handbook on Developing Brand Positioning That Works and Advertising That Sells and Avoiding the Pitfalls of Line Extensions【電子書籍】[ Antonio H. Adad ] How to Build a Winning Brand A Handbook on Developing Brand Positioning That Works and Advertising That Sells and Avoiding the Pitfalls of Line Extensions【電子書籍】[ Antonio H. Adad ] 1,372 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>Antonio H. Adad, or "Tito" to close friends and family, devoted his whole corporate life to only one company: S.C. Johnson & Son (SCJ), a family-owned company based in Racine, Wisconsin. SCJ is renowned as a world leader in the area of industrial and household cleaning and specialty chemicals with brands such as Raid insecticide, Off! insect repellant, Glade air freshener, Toilet Duck, Mr. ・・・(以下省略)
Living Your Prime Life 10 Rules for Surrounding Yourself with Success【電子書籍】[ Ranjot Singh Chahal ] Living Your Prime Life 10 Rules for Surrounding Yourself with Success【電子書籍】[ Ranjot Singh Chahal ] 208 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>"Discover the path to personal and professional success with 'Living Your Prime Life.' In this motivational guide, you'll find 10 essential rules to empower your journey. Learn to believe in yourself, set clear goals, embrace failures as opportunities, and surround yourself with positivity. These rules, along with lessons on responsibility, persistence, gratitude, and passion, will help you unl・・・(以下省略)
BASIC LAWS OF MONEY UNLOCKING THE KEYS TO WEALTH【電子書籍】[ Chioma Lilian Oragwu ] BASIC LAWS OF MONEY UNLOCKING THE KEYS TO WEALTH【電子書籍】[ Chioma Lilian Oragwu ] 620 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>KNOW THE LAWS OF MONEY</p> <p>Are you tired of investing and bankrupt?</p> <p>Are you looking for financial freedom?</p> <p>BASIC LAWS OF MONEY will give you in detail all you need to know and guide you on how to achieve success.</p> <p>In this ebook, you will find-</p> <p>The laws of money and the meaning</p> <p>Laws of financial achievement</p> <p>How to attract money and wealth with the law ・・・(以下省略)
An Intuitive Lifestyle Channelled Wisdom for Today【電子書籍】[ Lucretia A Ackfield ] An Intuitive Lifestyle Channelled Wisdom for Today【電子書籍】[ Lucretia A Ackfield ] 823 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p><strong>Provocative, challenging and transformational, An Intuitive Lifestyle shines a blinding light on our dysfunctional world and invites us to create a more fulfilling, authentic and joyful future.</strong></p> <p>Are you struggling with questions about your life's purpose or feeling adrift and uncertain? This book will help you unlock your soul's deepest desires and recognise what is possi・・・(以下省略)
Unlocking Africa's Business Potential Trends, Opportunities, Risks, and Strategies【電子書籍】[ Landry Signe ] Unlocking Africa's Business Potential Trends, Opportunities, Risks, and Strategies【電子書籍】[ Landry Signe ] 5,338 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p><strong>Africa welcomes business investment and offers some of the world's highest returns and impacts</strong></p> <p>Africa has tremendous economic potential and offers rewarding opportunities for global businesses looking for new markets and long-term investments with favorable returns. Africa has been one of the world's fastest-growing regions over the past decade, and by 2030 will be home ・・・(以下省略)
形?与??:投?中??与??【電子書籍】[ 成?智 ] 形?与??:投?中??与??【電子書籍】[ 成?智 ] 430 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p><strong>??推荐形????之母,形?有迹可循。透?形?蛛??迹,洞悉??行情先机。 内容?介形????之母,?一次大行情??前,都会在形?上留下蛛??迹。形?的力量之所以?大,背后是人性和自然?律的作用合力。本?作者?合自己?富的投???,融入中国??哲学智慧,从股票、期?等技?形?入手,?示形?背后的深???力以及形????的决定性作用。?中?刻??着作者?富操???的智慧火花,?于广大股票、期?投?者来?,??内容具有??的?操性和??性。作者介?成?智,基金?理决策?,股市理???作家,私募投??理,大?私募?道推广委?会会?,香港?凰收益研究院院?。?期操?股票、期?等投?品?,?有?富的交易??。著有《股票??学??》、《?券?典与??案例》等?。</strong></p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願い・・・(以下省略)
RESUMO - To Sell is Human / Vender ? Humano: A surpreendente verdade sobre a movimenta??o de outros Por Daniel H. Pink【電子書籍】[ Shortcut Edition ] RESUMO - To Sell is Human / Vender ? Humano: A surpreendente verdade sobre a movimenta??o de outros Por Daniel H. Pink【電子書籍】[ Shortcut Edition ] 886 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>Ao ler este resumo, o senhor vai mudar de opini?o sobre o mundo das vendas modernas. N?o mais clich?s do vendedor ? sua porta que insiste em vender-lhe tudo menos o que o senhor precisa. Hoje, o vendedor ? seu colaborador, seu aliado, at? mesmo seu amigo! Ao mesmo tempo, o senhor perceber? que o senhor mesmo ? um vendedor que n?o se conhece a si mesmo. Daniel Pink, como pensador influente no mu・・・(以下省略)
Entrepreneurial Higher Education Education, Knowledge and Wealth Creation【電子書籍】[ Rahmat Ullah ] Entrepreneurial Higher Education Education, Knowledge and Wealth Creation【電子書籍】[ Rahmat Ullah ] 16,156 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>This book presents detailed discussion on the role of higher education in terms of serving basic knowledge creation, teaching, and doing applied research for commercialization. The book presents an historical account on how this challenge was addressed earlier in education history, the cases of successful academic commercialization, the marriage between basic and applied science and how<br /> u・・・(以下省略)
La Bibbia dell'Investitore (Volume 1)【電子書籍】[ Degregori & Partners ] La Bibbia dell'Investitore (Volume 1)【電子書籍】[ Degregori & Partners ] 880 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>Le Obbligazioni (spesso chiamate con il termine inglese bonds) sono titoli a reddito fisso che vengono emessi da societ? e Stati come mezzo per raccogliere capitale di debito e, quindi, costituiscono una provvista finanziaria. Quando emette un’obbligazione, l’emittente s’impegna a:<br /> ? Restituire il capitale scritto sul titolo, valore nominale, alla scadenza del prestito.<br /> ? Effettuare・・・(以下省略)
Atra??o Instant?nea Aprenda a atrair a pessoa que deseja【電子書籍】[ AVANTE EDITORIAL ] Atra??o Instant?nea Aprenda a atrair a pessoa que deseja【電子書籍】[ AVANTE EDITORIAL ] 276 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>Quer se dar bem no jogo da CONQUISTA e aprender a ATRAIR o tipo certo de mulher? Interessado em DOMINAR a ARTE da SEDU??O e aprender a ter uma conversa INTERESSANTE, deixando uma IMPRESS?O POSITIVA? Esteja voc? a fim de algu?m ou apenas se AVENTURANDO no mundo da conquista, SAIBA que existem maneiras comprovadas de MAXIMIZAR suas CHANCES de encontrar o AMOR. Este livro ? dedicado EXCLUSIVAMENTE・・・(以下省略)

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