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Funktionelles Hanteltraining【電子書籍】[ Christoph Delp ] Funktionelles Hanteltraining【電子書籍】[ Christoph Delp ] 2,201 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>Seit Jahrhunderten werden Hanteln zur K?rperkr?ftigung genutzt. Auch f?r das moderne funktionelle Training eignet sich das traditionelle Sportger?t hervorragend. Der gesamte K?rper l?sst sich mit Hanteln effizient trainieren. Sie machen das Training anspruchsvoll, spannend und abwechslungsreich. Erfolgsautor Christoph Delp stellt in seinem neuen Standardwerk ein modernes funktionelles Trainings・・・(以下省略)
Computer Programming A Step-by-Step Guide to Learn Python, SQL, C++, C#, Raspberry Pi, and Data Science【電子書籍】[ Vere salazar ] Computer Programming A Step-by-Step Guide to Learn Python, SQL, C++, C#, Raspberry Pi, and Data Science【電子書籍】[ Vere salazar ] 1,614 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>Computer Programming’ is a comprehensive and practical guide that teaches you how to program in various languages and technologies, from beginner to advanced levels. You will learn:</p> <p>How to use Python, the most popular and versatile programming language, for various applications and domains, such as web development, data analysis, machine learning, and more.<br /> How to manipulate and an・・・(以下省略)
Biometrics Fingerprint Attendance Management Increase Accountability and Security in Your Workplace【電子書籍】[ Troy Williams ] Biometrics Fingerprint Attendance Management Increase Accountability and Security in Your Workplace【電子書籍】[ Troy Williams ] 410 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>Biometric fingerprint technology has revolutionized how many companies approach attendance management. By using biometric technology, a company can significantly maximize efficiency and reduce costs by eliminating the need to manage employee attendance manually. Biometric technology also ensures accurate records and reduces the possibility of time abuse or fraud in the workplace. Not only does ・・・(以下省略)
Potato Staple Food Processing Technology【電子書籍】[ Taihua Mu ] Potato Staple Food Processing Technology【電子書籍】[ Taihua Mu ] 6,076 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>This book introduces readers to volatile compounds of staple foods, while also systematically highlighting the processing technologies of potato staple foods, which will be of great importance in promoting the virtuous circle and structural upgrading of Potato consumption patterns are gradually changing from fresh to processed formulations, (e.g. mashed potatoes, potato chips, etc.) as a result・・・(以下省略)
Amphibien und Reptilien Herpetologie f?r Einsteiger【電子書籍】[ Dieter Glandt ] Amphibien und Reptilien Herpetologie f?r Einsteiger【電子書籍】[ Dieter Glandt ] 4,090 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>Als ?beraus erfahrener Herpetologe, dessen Wissen und Erfahrung in zahlreiche Fachb?cher Eingang gefunden hat, ist Dieter Glandt pr?destiniert, dieses fachlich fundierte und gleichzeitig gut verst?ndliche Buch zu den Lurchen und Kriechtieren zu verfassen. Brillante Fotos renommierter Fotografen sowie didaktisch ansprechende Grafiken runden das Buch ab und erlauben ein Schm?kern in diesem f?r de・・・(以下省略)
Advances in Mechanism Design II Proceedings of the XII International Conference on the Theory of Machines and Mechanisms【電子書籍】 Advances in Mechanism Design II Proceedings of the XII International Conference on the Theory of Machines and Mechanisms【電子書籍】 34,033 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>This book presents the most recent advances in the research of machines and mechanisms. It collects 54 reviewed papers presented at the XII International Conference on the Theory of Machines and mechanisms (TMM 2016) held in Liberec, Czech Republic, September 6-8, 2016.</p> <p>This volume offers an international selection of the most important new results and developments, grouped in six differ・・・(以下省略)
Verwijtbaar(?) tandheelkundighandelen Bundel van uitspraken en commentaren, gepubliceerd in het Nederlands Tandartsenblad in 2003 en 2004【電子書籍】[ E.A. Ledoux ] Verwijtbaar(?) tandheelkundighandelen Bundel van uitspraken en commentaren, gepubliceerd in het Nederlands Tandartsenblad in 2003 en 2004【電子書籍】[ E.A. Ledoux ] 4,566 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>De belangstelling voor uitspraken in tandheelkundige klachtzaken is groot. Sinds het Nederlands Tandartsenblad (NT) in 2003 is gestart met het structureel publiceren in de rubriek Rechtspraak, wordt de rubriek veel gelezen en is er veel discussie over. Er is voor gekozen de uitspraken niet in volle omvang te publiceren, maar in de vorm van beknopte, goed leesbare samenvattingen met aansluitend ・・・(以下省略)
Quantum Computing for Programmers and Investors with full implementation of algorithms in C【電子書籍】[ Alberto Palazzi ] Quantum Computing for Programmers and Investors with full implementation of algorithms in C【電子書籍】[ Alberto Palazzi ] 880 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>This book is aimed at people who simply know the basics of computer programming. It does not require any notion of physics and allows its readers to understand with total accuracy and in the simplest way the use that could be made of a quantum computer, by explaining step by step how to write a software to emulate its operation. The usual expression that a qubit “is an object that can be simult・・・(以下省略)
Software zur Simulation Neuronaler Netze. Eine Bewertung der Nutzerfreundlichkeit【電子書籍】[ Eric Thomas ] Software zur Simulation Neuronaler Netze. Eine Bewertung der Nutzerfreundlichkeit【電子書籍】[ Eric Thomas ] 5,091 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>Der Versuch, Maschinen das Denken beizubringen, hat den Status der Science-Fiction l?ngst ?berschritten. K?nstliche Intelligenz ist mittlerweile ein Forschungsfeld f?r Wissenschaftler verschiedenster Disziplinen. Ein Ansatz, die Funktionsweise der menschlichen Intelligenz auf dem Computer nachzubilden, hat seinen Ursprung in der Biologie und basiert auf Modellen von Neuronalen Netzen. Eric Thom・・・(以下省略)
Summary of Why Diets Make Us Fat by Sandra Aamodt | Includes Analysis【電子書籍】[ Instaread Summaries ] Summary of Why Diets Make Us Fat by Sandra Aamodt | Includes Analysis【電子書籍】[ Instaread Summaries ] 685 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p><strong>Summary of Why Diets Make Us Fat: by Sandra Aamodt | Includes Analysis</strong></p> <p><strong>Preview</strong>:</p> <p><em>Why Diets Make Us Fat</em> by Sandra Aamodt debunks the fallacy that individuals can sustain significant weight loss through dieting and willpower.</p> <p>Although people tend to view diets as a matter of willpower, the true determinant in weight loss is not steely・・・(以下省略)
WOWideas! A Collection of the World's Greatest or Otherwise Notable United States Patnents!【電子書籍】[ Kevin Jameson ] WOWideas! A Collection of the World's Greatest or Otherwise Notable United States Patnents!【電子書籍】[ Kevin Jameson ] 1,286 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>From automobile airbag to airplane, from shopping cart to earth orbiting satellite, from Barbie? doll to Lincoln Logs?... these 150+ wondrous innovations made our world a better place to live and often a lot more fun! Learn their amazing origins.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
Geometry of Manifolds with Non-negative Sectional Curvature Editors: Rafael Herrera, Luis Hern?ndez-Lamoneda【電子書籍】[ Owen Dearricott ] Geometry of Manifolds with Non-negative Sectional Curvature Editors: Rafael Herrera, Luis Hern?ndez-Lamoneda【電子書籍】[ Owen Dearricott ] 4,618 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>Providing an up-to-date overview of the geometry of manifolds with non-negative sectional curvature, this volume gives a detailed account of the most recent research in the area. The lectures cover a wide range of topics such as general isometric group actions, circle actions on positively curved four manifolds, cohomogeneity one actions on Alexandrov spaces, isometric torus actions on Riemanni・・・(以下省略)
COVID-19 dalla A alla Z【電子書籍】[ Oleksandr Gerasymovych ] COVID-19 dalla A alla Z【電子書籍】[ Oleksandr Gerasymovych ] 2,496 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>In questo libro cercher? di raccontare tutto ci? che si sa sul coronavirus ad oggi, febbraio 2023. Proceder? attenendomi ai principi della medicina basata sull’evidenza.<br /> Questo libro, uno dei primi nel suo genere in lingua italiana, ? utile a studenti di medicina, dottorandi, insegnanti, dipendenti dei reparti che si occupano di trattamento dei malati con COVID-19 ed a chiunque sia intere・・・(以下省略)
Dieta Antiinflamatoria Para Principiantes【電子書籍】[ Adam Weil ] Dieta Antiinflamatoria Para Principiantes【電子書籍】[ Adam Weil ] 350 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>La inflamaci?n es la causa de varias dolencias y, si no se maneja adecuadamente, puede provocar la muerte. Existen varios tratamientos administrados por expertos y m?dicos para la inflamaci?n. Una dieta antiinflamatoria es la mejor y la m?s eficaz entre ellas. En este libro, aprender? todo lo que hay que saber sobre la inflamaci?n, los tipos de enfermedades que puede provocar, sus causas y su t・・・(以下省略)
The Conspirators【電子書籍】[ W. R. Reinhardt ] The Conspirators【電子書籍】[ W. R. Reinhardt ] 968 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>ANCIENT ALIEN DEMONS CONSPIRE WITH HUMAN HENCHMEN TO DEPOPULATE THE EARTH In The Conspirators, by W.R. Reinhardt, Earth balances precariously at the tipping point of survival due to global climate changes. The likelihood looms of Mutual Assured Destruction in an exchange of Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles. In order to save Earth, invisible Aliens manipulate a powerful cadre of human Illumin・・・(以下省略)
Die siehst du - Blumen Das bl?ht um dich herum - Der Kosmos-Naturf?hrer【電子書籍】[ Eva-Maria Dreyer ] Die siehst du - Blumen Das bl?ht um dich herum - Der Kosmos-Naturf?hrer【電子書籍】[ Eva-Maria Dreyer ] 2,200 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>Unsere St?dte werden gr?ner, in fast in jeder Mauerritze finden Blumen ihren Platz. F?r Naturfreunde, die im urbanen Umfeld mehr entdecken wollen, ist dieser Naturf?hrer ideal. Er stellt die Bl?tenpflanzen, denen wir in der City, im Wohngebiet, im Park, auf dem Friedhof oder im Stadtwald begegnen, in der Reihenfolge vor, wie man sie ehesten entdeckt ? also von den h?ufigsten und sichtbarsten zu・・・(以下省略)
Enter the Dark Net ? The Internet’s Greatest Secret【電子書籍】[ Conrad Jaeger ] Enter the Dark Net ? The Internet’s Greatest Secret【電子書籍】[ Conrad Jaeger ] 1,550 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>Do you want to visit the dark side of the Internet?</p> <p>Out there ? beyond the prying eyes of law enforcement ? is a Secret Internet, a place where spies, master criminals, pornographers, journalists, terrorists and the super-rich can do what they like with total impunity. This quick, inter-active e-book shows you how to dive straight into their world and explore the hidden depths. Learn how・・・(以下省略)
?谷最???品專案管理全書 專案管理大師教?用可實踐的流程打造人人都喜歡的?品【電子書籍】[ 馬提.凱根 ] ?谷最???品專案管理全書 專案管理大師教?用可實踐的流程打造人人都喜歡的?品【電子書籍】[ 馬提.凱根 ] 1,373 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p><strong>??專案經理快來看最強專案經理怎麼做!!!??<br /> ?品怪獸公司Facebook、Google、Netflix、Apple、Adobe紛紛讚聲,<br /> 專案管理大師教?─像?谷最成功的?品經理一樣思考!<br /> ★ 美國亞馬遜書店4.6顆星,2008年出版長銷至今 ★</strong><br />   當傳統?品朝數位化邁進、科技?品不再完全數位化時,<br />   專案管理面臨更多元服務、線上與線下體驗……各種獨特議題,<br />   創新的思維、複雜的工作、人力的配置、工程的整合都是挑戰,<br />   唯有擁抱受歡迎的?品、持續為客?創新才能?引而出!</p> <p>**  ?釐清觀念?<br />   ?卓越的?品不是套公式來的!**<br />   Amazon、Google、Facebook、Netflix、Apple等企業,之所以・・・(以下省略)
Deep Learning A Beginners' Guide【電子書籍】[ Dulani Meedeniya ] Deep Learning A Beginners' Guide【電子書籍】[ Dulani Meedeniya ] 10,823 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>This book focuses on deep learning (DL), which is an important aspect of data science, that includes predictive modeling. DL applications are widely used in domains such as finance, transport, healthcare, automanufacturing, and advertising. The design of the DL models based on artificial neural networks is influenced by the structure and operation of the brain. This book presents a comprehensiv・・・(以下省略)
Veh?culo Sin Tripulaci?n Tecnolog?as emergentes para aeronaves, veh?culos, submarinos y barcos sin tripulaci?n para agruparse y tomar decisiones en paz y guerra sin necesidad de interacci?n humana【電子書籍】[ Fouad Sabry ] Veh?culo Sin Tripulaci?n Tecnolog?as emergentes para aeronaves, veh?culos, submarinos y barcos sin tripulaci?n para agruparse y tomar decisiones en paz y guerra sin necesidad de interacci?n humana【電子書籍】[ Fouad Sabry ] 700 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p><strong>?Qu? es un veh?culo sin tripulaci?n?</strong></p> <p>Un veh?culo que no lleva personas a bordo se denomina veh?culo sin tripulaci?n o veh?culo no tripulado. Los veh?culos no tripulados pueden ser veh?culos controlados o guiados por control remoto, o pueden ser veh?culos aut?nomos que tienen la capacidad de sentir su entorno y navegar de forma independiente.</p> <p><strong>C?mo se benefi・・・(以下省略)

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