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Tatbestand und Rechtsfolgen von wiederholten Verhaltensweisen in vertraglichen Dauerschuldverhaeltnissen Ein Beitrag zur betrieblichen Uebung【電子書籍】[ Andrea K?rten ] Tatbestand und Rechtsfolgen von wiederholten Verhaltensweisen in vertraglichen Dauerschuldverhaeltnissen Ein Beitrag zur betrieblichen Uebung【電子書籍】[ Andrea K?rten ] 13,444 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>Die betriebliche ?bung ist in der Rechtsprechung zwar anerkannt, ihre Voraussetzungen und ihre Rechtsfolgen sind jedoch ungekl?rt. Diese Arbeit untersucht vergleichbare Sachverhalte in ?hnlichen andauernden Rechtsverh?ltnissen und erl?utert, ob und unter welchen Umst?nden aus einem regelm??ig wiederholten Verhalten eine rechtliche Bindung erw?chst. Ziel ist es, praktisch verwertbare Folgerungen・・・(以下省略)
Europe in the Central Middle Ages 962-1154【電子書籍】[ Christopher Brooke ] Europe in the Central Middle Ages 962-1154【電子書籍】[ Christopher Brooke ] 13,408 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>This wide-ranging introduction to medieval Europe has been updated and revised. In his popular survey Brooke explores the variety of human experience in the period. He looks at society, economy, religious life and popular religion, learning, culture, as well as political events; the rise of the Normans and the heyday of the medieval Empire. For the new edition there is increased coverage of the・・・(以下省略)
China at War An Encyclopedia【電子書籍】 China at War An Encyclopedia【電子書籍】 13,396 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p><strong>This comprehensive volume traces the Chinese military and its experiences over the past 2,500 years, describing clashes with other kingdoms and nations as well as internal rebellions and revolutions.</strong></p> <p>As the first book of its kind, <em>China at War: An Encyclopedia</em> expands far beyond the conventional military history book that is focused on describing key wars, battl・・・(以下省略)
The Rise of Islamism in Egypt【電子書籍】[ Alaa Al-Din Arafat ] The Rise of Islamism in Egypt【電子書籍】[ Alaa Al-Din Arafat ] 13,369 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>This book provides an overview of the sudden ascendancy of Islamism in post-Mubarak Egypt and a detailed history of the power grab by the Muslim Brotherhood. The author argues that liberals and Copts are minor factions, and that the Islamists, the military and ‘couch party’ (non- politically affiliated Egyptians) are the true key actors in Egyptian politics. Additionally, it is posited that, ir・・・(以下省略)
History, Historians and the Immigration Debate Going Back to Where We Came From【電子書籍】 History, Historians and the Immigration Debate Going Back to Where We Came From【電子書籍】 13,369 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>This book is a response to the binary thinking and misuse of history that characterize contemporary immigration debates. Subverting the traditional injunction directed at migrants to ‘go back to where they came from’, it highlights the importance of the past to contemporary discussions around migration. It argues that historians have a significant contribution to make in this respect and shows ・・・(以下省略)
Political Communication in Africa【電子書籍】 Political Communication in Africa【電子書籍】 13,369 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>This book offers a comprehensive account of the nature and development of political communication in Africa. In light of the growing number of African states now turning towards democratic rule, as well as the growing utilization of information technologies in Africa, the contributors examine topics such as: the role of social media in politics, strategic political communication, political phil・・・(以下省略)
Agency and Locality in the London Blitz【電子書籍】[ Darren Bryant ] Agency and Locality in the London Blitz【電子書籍】[ Darren Bryant ] 13,369 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>This book takes a fresh approach to the London Blitz by viewing this time through individual local boroughs of the metropolis. The term ‘London Blitz’ means that culturally we have become accustomed to understanding that the actual blitz experience was the same wherever in the capital one happened to be, despite some areas being hit more than others. This book illustrates how there were many Lo・・・(以下省略)
Rethinking Think Tanks in Contemporary China【電子書籍】[ Silvia Menegazzi ] Rethinking Think Tanks in Contemporary China【電子書籍】[ Silvia Menegazzi ] 13,369 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>This book analyzes how Chinese think tanks have become essential actors in today’s Chinese foreign policy and diplomatic practices. By providing an in-depth analysis of their roles, functions and transformation in the last decade, this study explains how they differ from their Western counterparts and how they have developed during Hu Jintao’s and Xi Jinping’s mandates. Think tanks are often th・・・(以下省略)
English Produced by Japanese L2 Users A Preliminary Analysis of Grammatical Forms【電子書籍】[ Toshiko Yamaguchi ] English Produced by Japanese L2 Users A Preliminary Analysis of Grammatical Forms【電子書籍】[ Toshiko Yamaguchi ] 13,369 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>This book discusses ten grammatical items, with main focus on prepositions and plural nouns, to illustrate the structure of Japanese English or the English spoken by 32 Japanese nationals who are the L2 users of English. Adopting an inductive, theory-neutral, analysis of empirical data collected from recordings of presentational talks, the author demonstrates how standard and nonstandard gramma・・・(以下省略)
Education System in Saudi Arabia Of Change and Reforms【電子書籍】[ Md. Muddassir Quamar ] Education System in Saudi Arabia Of Change and Reforms【電子書籍】[ Md. Muddassir Quamar ] 13,369 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>This book is a comprehensive study on the education system of Saudi Arabia, placing the reforms and changes it has undergone in the past two decades within the context of the historical evolution of the education system. An education system cannot be seen in isolation of the society; it plays a significant role in shaping the individual, state and the society, that in turn, have a bearing on th・・・(以下省略)
The Contemporary Evolution and Reform of Utilitarianism【電子書籍】[ Shuyang Liu ] The Contemporary Evolution and Reform of Utilitarianism【電子書籍】[ Shuyang Liu ] 13,369 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>This book is a monograph on contemporary utilitarianism, focusing on its evolving path and logic. It describes the evolution of utilitarianism from the classical model to the contemporary model and then summarizes the characteristics of contemporary utilitarianism, revealing its advantages and disadvantages. This book points out that the best characteristic of contemporary utilitarianism is to ・・・(以下省略)
Linking Language, Trade and Migration Economic Partnership Agreements as Language Policy in Japan【電子書籍】[ Ruriko Otomo ] Linking Language, Trade and Migration Economic Partnership Agreements as Language Policy in Japan【電子書籍】[ Ruriko Otomo ] 13,369 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>This book examines the effect of trade policy on language which represents an underrecognized area in the field of language policy and planning. It argues that trade policies like Japan’s Economic Partnership Agreements (EPAs) have important consequences for national language (education) policies and for discourses about language and nation. Since 2008, Japan has signed the EPAs with Indonesia,・・・(以下省略)
Welcome to Your Child's Brain: How the Mind Grows from Conception to College WELCOME TO YOUR CHILDS -LIB 8D [ Sandra Aamodt ] Welcome to Your Child's Brain: How the Mind Grows from Conception to College WELCOME TO YOUR CHILDS -LIB 8D [ Sandra Aamodt ] 13,305 円
WELCOME TO YOUR CHILDS ーLIB 8D Sandra Aamodt Sam Wang Pete Larkin TANTOR AUDIO2011 Compact Disc Library English ISBN:9781452634968 洋書 Social Science(社会科学) Psychology
Pratiques communicatives de la m?diation Actes du Colloque international- (Universit? de Padoue, 6-7 d?cembre 2012)【電子書籍】[ Michele De Gioia ] Pratiques communicatives de la m?diation Actes du Colloque international- (Universit? de Padoue, 6-7 d?cembre 2012)【電子書籍】[ Michele De Gioia ] 13,292 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>Ce volume r?unit des ?tudes portant sur les enjeux linguistiques du ph?nom?ne de la m?diation ainsi que sur quelques-unes de ses nombreuses manifestations dans la vie quotidienne : m?diation civile, sanitaire, linguistico-culturelle. Par une volont? d?lib?r?ment interdisciplinaire, les contributions donn?es par des experts de la langue et du droit et par des m?diateurs professionnels apportent ・・・(以下省略)
Le droit europ?en des successions Commentaire du R?glement n°650/2012 du 04 juillet 2012【電子書籍】[ Andrea Bonomi ] Le droit europ?en des successions Commentaire du R?glement n°650/2012 du 04 juillet 2012【電子書籍】[ Andrea Bonomi ] 13,200 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p><strong>Tout savoir sur les droit de succession suivant le nouveau r?glement europ?en</strong></p> <p>De nombreuses successions pr?sentent un ?l?ment international, soit que le d?funt poss?dait un ou plusieurs biens dans un autre ?tat, soit qu’un h?ritier ou l?gataire r?side dans un autre ?tat que le d?funt, soit encore qu’un cr?ancier du d?funt r?side dans un autre ?tat. Dans toutes ces situat・・・(以下省略)
John of the Cross Desire, Transformation, and Selfhood【電子書籍】[ Sam Hole ] John of the Cross Desire, Transformation, and Selfhood【電子書籍】[ Sam Hole ] 13,181 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>Through the 'dark night of the soul' to the depiction of the erotically-charged union of the soul and God, the poetry and prose works of the Spanish friar John of the Cross (1542-1591) offer a striking account of the transformation of the individual in the course of the Christian life. John of the Cross: Desire, Transformation, and Selfhood argues that these writings are animated by John's own ・・・(以下省略)
Citizenship Regimes, Law, and Belonging The CAA and the NRC【電子書籍】[ Anupama Roy ] Citizenship Regimes, Law, and Belonging The CAA and the NRC【電子書籍】[ Anupama Roy ] 13,181 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>Successive amendments in the citizenship law in India have spawned distinct regimes of citizenship. The idea of citizenship regimes is crucial for making the argument that law must be seen not simply as bare provisions but also examined for the ideological practices that validate it and lay claims to its enforceability. While citizenship regime in India can be distinguished from one another on ・・・(以下省略)
Vers une ?thique de la libert? Reconstruction de la ≪conduite de vie≫ dans la th?ologie ?thique de Trutz Rendtorff【電子書籍】[ Francine Charoy ] Vers une ?thique de la libert? Reconstruction de la ≪conduite de vie≫ dans la th?ologie ?thique de Trutz Rendtorff【電子書籍】[ Francine Charoy ] 13,136 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>De nombreuses ?thiques th?ologiques ?chouent ? surmonter une opposition entre l'ordre humain et le R?gne de Dieu, l'immanence et la transcendance. Elles les juxtaposent ou les opposent sans chercher un principe de leur articulation. Rechercher un concept qui articule densit? des significations proprement humaines de l'action et action divine, mais aussi la pluralit? des interpr?tations est la q・・・(以下省略)
Chez L’Autre L’Identite? Culturelle dans L’?uvre Litte?raire de Marguerite Duras【電子書籍】[ Sarah Parvaiz ] Chez L’Autre L’Identite? Culturelle dans L’?uvre Litte?raire de Marguerite Duras【電子書籍】[ Sarah Parvaiz ] 13,039 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>Les th?mes majeurs des ?uvres de Marguerite Duras se trouvent entre les deux polarit?s de sa vie : le soi et l’Autre. Dans ses ?uvres, Duras a tr?s bien montr? les limbes culturels de son existence entre l’Asie et l’Europe jusqu'? la mesure o? cette ambig?it? est devenue le noyau, le c?ur de sa litt?rature. Dans ce livre, je vais essayer de prouver que cette tension entre l’espace europ?en et l・・・(以下省略)
The Classification of Ethnic Groups in Ancient China【電子書籍】[ Wang Wenguang ] The Classification of Ethnic Groups in Ancient China【電子書籍】[ Wang Wenguang ] 13,039 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>Ethnic classification is the process of establishing standards, such as shared ancestry, language, religious practices, cultural traditions, and geographical distributions, for categorizing ethnic groups. Tracing the history of China to its tribal origins, the book explores how the identities of the numerous ethnic groups in China were established and how these groups interact with one another.・・・(以下省略)

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