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The Boomerang Effect of Decolonization Post-Orientalism and the Politics of Difference【電子書籍】 The Boomerang Effect of Decolonization Post-Orientalism and the Politics of Difference【電子書籍】 12,976 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>The 1978 publication of Edward Said's <em>Orientalism</em> unsettled the world. Over two decades earlier Aim? C?saire had famously spoken of the boomerang effect of colonization, which dehumanized both the colonizer and the colonized. Over time, Said and his 1978 book took C?saire’s anti-imperial critique one step further by enabling the boomerang effect of decolonization.</p> <p>Inspired by th・・・(以下省略)
Theologie als Wissenschaft Eine Fundamentaltheologie aus phaenomenologischer Leitperspektive【電子書籍】[ Lukas Ohly ] Theologie als Wissenschaft Eine Fundamentaltheologie aus phaenomenologischer Leitperspektive【電子書籍】[ Lukas Ohly ] 12,937 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>Ob Theologie eine Wissenschaft genannt werden kann, wird versch?rft durch das Aufkommen neuer theologischer Studieng?nge als auch durch Sparma?nahmen an theologischen Fakult?ten in Frage gestellt. Darauf reagieren die theologischen Disziplinen mit einer Suchbewegung, die ihren theologischen Charakter zunehmend au?er Acht l?sst oder methodisch ungesichert herstellt.</p> <p>Der vorliegende Ansatz・・・(以下省略)
Urban Planning and Policies: Reorientation of Policy Norms Part-A【電子書籍】[ C. S. Yadav ] Urban Planning and Policies: Reorientation of Policy Norms Part-A【電子書籍】[ C. S. Yadav ] 12,924 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>This compendium of thirteen essays, earlier published in Alternative Perspectives (formerly known as Alternative Frames), attempts to examine the dynamics of India's Look East Policy (LEP) and its impact on Northeast region, with special focus on Manipur. Tracing the origin and conceptualisation of India's Look East Policy, the contributors explain the multi-dimensions of relations between Indi・・・(以下省略)
The Corruption of Play Mapping the Ideological Play-Space of AAA Videogames【電子書籍】[ Christopher McMahon ] The Corruption of Play Mapping the Ideological Play-Space of AAA Videogames【電子書籍】[ Christopher McMahon ] 12,924 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>AAA videogames often offer expansive experiences to the millions who engage with the medium, but they are vulnerable to disruption from neoliberal structures. <em>The Corruption of Play</em> explores how neoliberal ideology corrupts play in AAA videogames by creating conditions in which play becomes unbound from leisure, allowing play to be understood, undertaken, and assessed in economic terms・・・(以下省略)
The Geography and Politics of Afghanistan【電子書籍】[ R. Gopalakrishnan ] The Geography and Politics of Afghanistan【電子書籍】[ R. Gopalakrishnan ] 12,924 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>This book titled, “Human Rights of Women: Legal Perspectives” provides readers with an introduction to women human rights. An introduction to women development, advancement and human rights is also given. In addition, an introductory overview of other areas of concern regarding women's human rights is provided herein. Also, an introductory overview Indian system of law enforcement and human rig・・・(以下省略)
Voices of Victorian England Contemporary Accounts of Daily Life【電子書籍】[ John A. Wagner ] Voices of Victorian England Contemporary Accounts of Daily Life【電子書籍】[ John A. Wagner ] 12,781 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p><strong>The Victorian age was a period of transition as Britain industrialized and society underwent profound changes. Here, contemporary voices provide students with an up-close look at this pivotal time.</strong></p> <p><em>Voices of Victorian England</em> illuminates the character, personalities, and events of the era through excerpts from primary documents produced between 1837 and 1901. By・・・(以下省略)
Voices of Ancient Egypt Contemporary Accounts of Daily Life【電子書籍】[ Rosalie David ] Voices of Ancient Egypt Contemporary Accounts of Daily Life【電子書籍】[ Rosalie David ] 12,781 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p><strong>Supporting the current trends toward document-based teaching, this book introduces the reader to the multifaceted world of ancient Egypt through revealing excerpts from 51 texts written by Egyptians themselves.</strong></p> <p>A wealth of evidence survives to tell the stories of ancient Egypt, including monuments, artifacts, paintings, sculptures, human remains, and literature. But ther・・・(以下省略)
Toward Metaphysics New Tendencies in French Philosophy in the Middle of the Twentieth Century【電子書籍】[ Jacek Migasinski ] Toward Metaphysics New Tendencies in French Philosophy in the Middle of the Twentieth Century【電子書籍】[ Jacek Migasinski ] 12,771 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>This book presents and analyzes specific metaphysical tendencies that were revived within particular branches of French philosophy from the 1930s to the 1960s. Using the examples of the five philosophers active in this period (Louis Lavelle, Ferdinand Alqui?, Jean Wahl, Maurice Merleau-Ponty and Emmanuel L?vinas), who did not belong to or did not form any school of thought, the author attempts ・・・(以下省略)
The Long Seventh Century Continuity and Discontinuity in an Age of Transition【電子書籍】[ Alessandro Gnasso ] The Long Seventh Century Continuity and Discontinuity in an Age of Transition【電子書籍】[ Alessandro Gnasso ] 12,771 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>This volume represents a selection of papers presented at the 2013 Edinburgh Seventh Century Colloquium, showcasing the latest scholarship from a rising generation of academics. The volume traverses the globe from Iran to the Atlantic and from Sweden to the Sahara and ranges from the establishment of the early Islamic state to the beginnings of English Christianity. Topics include the transmiss・・・(以下省略)
Antisemitismus im Reichstag Judenfeindliche Sprache in Politik und Gesellschaft der Weimarer Republik【電子書籍】[ Susanne Wein ] Antisemitismus im Reichstag Judenfeindliche Sprache in Politik und Gesellschaft der Weimarer Republik【電子書籍】[ Susanne Wein ] 12,771 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>Die Studie untersucht erstmals judenfeindliche ?u?erungen im Reichstag der Weimarer Republik und weist nach, dass Antisemitismus ein relevantes Deutungsmuster darstellte. Aus zahlreichen Beispielen der Themenfelder Ostjudendebatten, Barmat-Skandal und Reparationen sowie anhand des Umgangs mit Abgeordneten j?discher Herkunft erarbeitet das Buch eine Sprache der Judenfeindschaft von manifester Pr・・・(以下省略)
Dean Gyoyuk ? Reformpaedagogik in Suedkorea【電子書籍】[ Jung-In Lee ] Dean Gyoyuk ? Reformpaedagogik in Suedkorea【電子書籍】[ Jung-In Lee ] 12,771 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>Die Reformp?dagogik ? genannt <em>Dean Gyoyuk</em> ? stellt eine Neubestimmung der Humanit?t in den p?dagogischen Konzepten in S?dkorea dar. Insbesondere die Entwicklung der menschlichen Pers?nlichkeit steht im Mittelpunkt des p?dagogischen Handelns. Vor diesem Hintergrund strebt die Reformp?dagogik eine humanit?re Gesellschaft an, in der gute Schulzeugnisse und die H?he der formalen Bildungsab・・・(以下省略)
Cosmological Aesthetics through the Kantian Sublime and Nietzschean Dionysian【電子書籍】[ Erman Kaplama ] Cosmological Aesthetics through the Kantian Sublime and Nietzschean Dionysian【電子書籍】[ Erman Kaplama ] 12,605 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>Erman Kaplama explores the principle of transition (?bergang) from metaphysics to physics developed by Kant in his unfinished magnum opus, Opus Postumum. Drawing on the Heraclitean logos and Kant’s notions of sense-intuition (Anschauung) and reflective judgment, Kaplama interprets transition as an aesthetic principle. He revises the idea of nature (phusis) as the principle of motion referring t・・・(以下省略)
The British Political Elite and the Soviet Union【電子書籍】 The British Political Elite and the Soviet Union【電子書籍】 12,601 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>Private papers, diaries and government and Foreign Office records are used within this book to produce an analysis of the attitudes of the British political elite towards the Soviet Union, assessing the influence such attitudes had upon British foreign policy between May 1937 and August 1939.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
The European Parliament and Delegated Legislation An Institutional Balance Perspective【電子書籍】[ Merijn Chamon ] The European Parliament and Delegated Legislation An Institutional Balance Perspective【電子書籍】[ Merijn Chamon ] 12,360 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>This book revisits the Treaty of Lisbon's promise to further parliamentarize the EU's functioning by looking into the Treaty-law framework governing the delegation of legislative power in the EU. In this field, the Lisbon Treaty formally greatly strengthened the position of the European Parliament vis-?-vis both the European Commission and the Council. The book explores whether Parliament's for・・・(以下省略)
Adult Neurogenesis in the Hippocampus Health, Psychopathology, and Brain Disease【電子書籍】 Adult Neurogenesis in the Hippocampus Health, Psychopathology, and Brain Disease【電子書籍】 12,357 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>Neurogenesis in the adult brain has emerged as one of the most dynamic and rapidly moving fields in modern neuroscience research. The implications of adult neurogenesis for health and well-being are wide-ranging, with findings in this area having distinct relevance for treatment and rehabilitation in neurology and psychopathology. <em>Adult Neurogenesis in the Hippocampus</em> addresses these i・・・(以下省略)
Kant and Colonialism Historical and Critical Perspectives【電子書籍】 Kant and Colonialism Historical and Critical Perspectives【電子書籍】 12,357 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>This is the first book dedicated to a systematic exploration of Kant's position on colonialism. Bringing together a team of leading scholars in both the history of political thought and normative theory, the chapters in the volume seek to place Kant's thoughts on colonialism in historical context, examine the tensions that the assessment of colonialism produces in Kant's work, and evaluate the ・・・(以下省略)
Zwischen Barmherzigkeit und Dienstleistung Eine theologisch-tugendethische Perspektive fuer die Pflege【電子書籍】[ Kathrin Zumkley ] Zwischen Barmherzigkeit und Dienstleistung Eine theologisch-tugendethische Perspektive fuer die Pflege【電子書籍】[ Kathrin Zumkley ] 12,298 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>Der Anspruch an die ?konomische Effizienz diktiert zunehmend das Handeln professioneller Pflegekr?fte. Das unterl?uft nicht nur die Pflegequalit?t, sondern belastet auch die zwischenmenschliche Beziehung und treibt Pflegende in den Burn-out. Die Autorin besch?ftigt sich vor diesem Hintergrund aus ethischer Sicht mit der Frage, was eine ?gute Pflege" ausmacht. Dazu st?tzt sie sich auf einen tuge・・・(以下省略)
Books on Early American History and Culture, 2001?2005 An Annotated Bibliography【電子書籍】[ Raymond D. Irwin ] Books on Early American History and Culture, 2001?2005 An Annotated Bibliography【電子書籍】[ Raymond D. Irwin ] 12,289 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p><strong>This volume offers a complete listing and description of books published on early America between 2001 and 2005.</strong></p> <p>An extraordinary research tool, <em>Books on Early American History and Culture, 2001-2005: An Annotated Bibliography</em> is part of a series listing materials on the history of North America and the Caribbean from 1492 to 1815. This volume includes monograph・・・(以下省略)
Women in Ancient Egypt Revisiting Power, Agency, and Autonomy【電子書籍】 Women in Ancient Egypt Revisiting Power, Agency, and Autonomy【電子書籍】 12,278 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p><strong>Cutting-edge research by twenty-four international scholars on female power, agency, health, and literacy in ancient Egypt</strong></p> <p>There has been considerable scholarship in the last fifty years on the role of ancient Egyptian women in society. With their ability to work outside the home, inherit and dispense of property, initiate divorce, testify in court, and serve in local go・・・(以下省略)
The Geography of Aging: Preparing Communities for the Surge in Seniors【電子書籍】[ Gerald Hodge ] The Geography of Aging: Preparing Communities for the Surge in Seniors【電子書籍】[ Gerald Hodge ] 12,278 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>Gerald Hodge uses the latest statistics to map the current and future spatial distribution of Canada's seniors and their diversity. Drawing on tested aging-environmental research and years of planning experience he delineates the everyday geography of seniors and proposes a comprehensive framework for all communities - large and small urban suburban and rural - that will allow them to respond t・・・(以下省略)

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